As many of you know, I am a dog of many god-given talents. I can dance, act, jump over high hurdles, eat a lot, sleep a lot, pass gas without anyone noticing AND I am the world's best sound detector. I can detect the sound of car keys, someone cracking hard boiled egg shells on the countertop in the kitchen & the opening of potato chip packages. No matter how silent those sounds are, I can still hear them from afar, very clearly, even when I am fast asleep. However, what most of you don't know is, I have another kind of talent. Oh yeah! I can do cool tongue tricks. Check it out...
I can stick my tongue half way out
Stick it out all the way
I can do a three leaf clover
And the ripple
I can lick the top of my nose (MMM mayo...)
And I can even do that when I'm upside down! TEE HEE
I'm actually entering Anna the GSD's Spectacular Tongue-tacular Contest & I'm supposed to just put up 1 or 2 of my best tongue pictures but there was just SO many good ones, it was too difficult to pick so I put all of them up. If you'd like to enter in this contest too, just visit Anna's blog for more information.
That is some amazing tongue action! Way to go! You're a shoe-in to win! I can hear a banana being peeled from the other side of the house! Oddly... I can't always hear my mom call me, though. Funny, isn't it? Luv, Dave
Is that a trick you learned or you're born with that tongue?! You're really amazing!!
Melissa has asked about the nail grinder that we are using. Can you please tell her that we got it from Kuan Pet Salon. The address and contact is in our blog sidebar.
My what a big tongue you have Amber! But it is good to be able to touch the top of your nose with your tongue. Never know when there might be food there.
BOL! You are sure a talented pup! Those are amazing tongue twisters! The Three Leaf Clover looks difficult, so I am super impressed with that one! And I love your upside down picture! Good luck on the contest!
I don't have the tongue talent you do, but I think we are about even on the hearing talent. Isn't it great that our humans can't sneak food without us hearing it? :->
Hey Amber! Wow, that's some pawesome tongue-talent! Love these pix...very funny. I'm drooling! I'm also gonna go check out that tongue-tacular and get entered. I can't do the clover like you, but my tongue is all splotchy and ink-blotted. Love you blog and I'm your newest follower! Grr and Woof, Sarge, COP
Amber Mae Thank you for visiting my blog. So nice to meet you. BUT I cannot believe that tongue! Is it photoshopped? You truly are an amazing and multi-talented dog. But are you REALLY SURE that no-one notices when you pass gas.... Toodle pip! Bertie.
Oh Lordy, your tongue action is very impressive! I am most jealous, as it seems my maker had given me an inadequate dog tongue. I am so ashamed! The ice creams I can never lick from the top of my nose. If only it was possible for a tongue transfer.
good gravy! you've got the most stretchy 'n bendy tongue i've evarrr seen! look at all those tricky moves you've got goin' on! i think my most fave is the one of you lickin' the top of your snooter. teehee! good luck in miss anna's contest!!
Woo, Amber-Mae! The game I've been playing is Angry Birds: Warning -- it's HIGHLY addictive! I was OK until those pigs took the watermelon. I LOVE my watermelon! Luv, Dave
Hi Amber Thanks for stopping by my blog, course we can be friends you are so funny, great post and funny photos. When I have finshed this comment I will put you to follow See Yea My New Friend
Found you through Anna's blog. Those are some amazing tongue pics! I think there's a good chance for you to have tongue victory! Check us out of you get a chance Thanks!
Hiya Amber - thanks SO much for sending us the recipes for such yummy nommies! We're really pleased to meet you - we have a feeling we're gonna be great pals. Well, any gal who has a tongue THAT talented is super-pawsome in our book, he he he!
Ambew Mae I don't think thewe is anyone who can come close to youw talents. Youw many amazing ways of using youw gowgeous tongue will have this contest in the bag!!! smoochie kisses ASTA
I saw you on Anna's blog, and my dogs are too intimidated by your amazing tongue trick to even try to enter! Wow. You're amazing. At first, I thought that you must have photoshopped one of those photos. Now I see that they're real!
Ciao Amber!
I wish you good luck in Anna's tongue competition!
Wow, those are all spectacular for sure. Our favorite is the upside down view at the end.
Good luck.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You're really tongue-talented!!!
You Amber Mae is very very beautiful and most talented. Goofy and funny too!
Amber Mae
REmarkable talents. I bet you could beat anyone in a peanut butter jar cleaning contest. wowzer. I bet woo win!
That is AHmazing!!!
WOW, you are definitely very talented! Good luck in the contest :)
That is some amazing tongue action! Way to go! You're a shoe-in to win!
I can hear a banana being peeled from the other side of the house! Oddly... I can't always hear my mom call me, though. Funny, isn't it?
funny tongue! hope you win! :)
Wow, those are some tongue-tacular pics!! It was so hard to choose one! Are you related to Gene Simmons?!?!?!
OMD...YIKERS....Put dat ting away...It looks like a weapon! Did anyones ever tell you dat you have a HUGE tongue! BWhahahah!
That' hilarious! You really do have a superpower!
Those is amazing tongue actions!
Is that a trick you learned or you're born with that tongue?! You're really amazing!!
Melissa has asked about the nail grinder that we are using. Can you please tell her that we got it from Kuan Pet Salon. The address and contact is in our blog sidebar.
Wow that is tonguetastic! Bella is very impressed,and just a teeny bit jealous.
Lovely to meet you Amber Mae. :0)
MOL you should be in movies...what a talented agile tongue you have and on top of that you are beautiful.
Hugs Madi
HAHAHA! Is your tongue really that long?! I thought it was photoshopped! Those are some pretty impressive tongue tricks!
My what a big tongue you have Amber! But it is good to be able to touch the top of your nose with your tongue. Never know when there might be food there.
Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose
You are sure to win the contest because you have the most amazing tongue tricks ever!!
I'm impressed by your many skills!
I also share your ability to hear a potoato chip packet being opened from anywhere in the house.
hey Amber,
BOL! You are sure a talented pup! Those are amazing tongue twisters! The Three Leaf Clover looks difficult, so I am super impressed with that one! And I love your upside down picture! Good luck on the contest!
I don't have the tongue talent you do, but I think we are about even on the hearing talent. Isn't it great that our humans can't sneak food without us hearing it? :->
Woof! Woof! That is Golden Fabulous ... Oh! My! Lots of Golden Claps n Hooray. Lots of Golden Luck n Woofs, Sugar
What great tongue shots, Amber-Mae! We wouldn't be able to pick one favorite either! They're all winners!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You have a very special tongue talent...BOL
Great pics, I think you will win!!
Amber-Mae, thanks for visiting my blog! We love your pictures with the tongue action! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Hey Amber!
Wow, that's some pawesome tongue-talent! Love these pix...very funny. I'm drooling! I'm also gonna go check out that tongue-tacular and get entered. I can't do the clover like you, but my tongue is all splotchy and ink-blotted. Love you blog and I'm your newest follower!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Hi new friend...WOW, that is a tongue!! BOL
Benny & Lily
OMD - too funny!
Oh my gosh, you are very talented. First time I've seen anyone do those tongue tricks.
I can't believe all the tongue tricks you are able to do!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs
Hey, Miss. Amber mae
Long time no talk.
Very talented indeed.
I'm sure you'll win with that spectacular tongue you have there
Lots of love
Amber Mae
Thank you for visiting my blog. So nice to meet you.
BUT I cannot believe that tongue! Is it photoshopped?
You truly are an amazing and multi-talented dog.
But are you REALLY SURE that no-one notices when you pass gas....
Toodle pip!
Oh Lordy, your tongue action is very impressive! I am most jealous, as it seems my maker had given me an inadequate dog tongue. I am so ashamed! The ice creams I can never lick from the top of my nose. If only it was possible for a tongue transfer.
Great pix! Good luck!
Oh I'm so sorry, Misery clicked on your comment on my blog and it said it was rejected :(
I read it though and thought it was so nice. Thank you. I know you commented and so do you. Stupid Misery.
Love Pippa x
How clever you are. Never mind your tongue piccies, you are smart and savvy with an amazing memory. :(
Pippa x
miss amber-mae,
good gravy! you've got the most stretchy 'n bendy tongue i've evarrr seen! look at all those tricky moves you've got goin' on! i think my most fave is the one of you lickin' the top of your snooter. teehee! good luck in miss anna's contest!!
the booker man
Wow! You are talented!
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello to us! We have enjoyed taking a look around your blog!
Good luck in the contest!
Hi Amber-Mae! It's nice to meet you. I am so impressed by everything you can do!
hahaha! Oh Amber! you are just way too talented for me to catch up! hahha! We are trying to get back to blogging actively too! :)
Hey, Amber-Mae, yes, we do remember you. Thanks for visiting us again.
That is one long tongue in the graphic. Yours is pretty long and versatile too. Good luck in the contest. :)
OMD Amber! that's tonguetastic! you're a clear winnah to me! the three leaf clover is for professionals only!
Wow, I think you've got this one in the bag. You do have a very veratile tongue!
Thanks for your well-wishes for my mom person. We know that they helped to get her home soon.
Nubbin wiggles,
Woo, Amber-Mae! The game I've been playing is Angry Birds:
Warning -- it's HIGHLY addictive! I was OK until those pigs took the watermelon. I LOVE my watermelon!
Amber Mae.....we already knew you were talented, butt your tongue tricks elevate your talents to a whole new level!!! Spectacular
Oh my God, Amber - that is sort of - er - creepy! Hee! Hee!
I'll bet you win this one paws down!
Honey the Great Dane
Wowzers, that's some tongue ya got there... and I thought mine was long!
Good luck!
Don't tell me your still playing around with your tongue!!! You'll never get another toy again!
just sayin
Hello Amber Mae!!! It is so very much nice to officially meet you.
I see that my Cussin Sarge has found you already... His mom has mad love fur Goldens.. BTW.
Now I thought HE would be in the major runnin fur this contest... UNTIL I saw YOU and your AMAZING TONGUE!!! Astounding!!!
Good luck Amber! Your tongue is super talented!
Hi Amber
Thanks for stopping by my blog, course we can be friends you are so funny, great post and funny photos. When I have finshed this comment I will put you to follow
See Yea My New Friend
Good luck Amber! Glad to see you blogging again!
Found you through Anna's blog. Those are some amazing tongue pics! I think there's a good chance for you to have tongue victory!
Check us out of you get a chance
Hiya Amber - thanks SO much for sending us the recipes for such yummy nommies! We're really pleased to meet you - we have a feeling we're gonna be great pals. Well, any gal who has a tongue THAT talented is super-pawsome in our book, he he he!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Love the last shot!
You're amazing, Amber!
Those are simply GReat!
Thanks for stopping by Kirby's blog. You are quite the talented dog to do obedience, agility, and dance and have a tongue like that!
Kirby's Mom
Holy cat feathers! Mom says that I have an acrobatic tongue, but I've got nothing close to your skills!
Ambew Mae
I don't think thewe is anyone who can come close to youw talents. Youw many amazing ways of using youw gowgeous tongue will have this contest in the bag!!!
smoochie kisses
Wow! You are totally gonna win!
Lol, Amber you crack me up!
Very impressive tongue contortions. Of all your gifts we find the ability to pass gas without anyone noticing the most useful.
Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
I saw you on Anna's blog, and my dogs are too intimidated by your amazing tongue trick to even try to enter! Wow. You're amazing. At first, I thought that you must have photoshopped one of those photos. Now I see that they're real!
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