So today for din dins, we lucky pooches got to stuff our faces with big pieces of thick, juicy, red, succulent, fantaboolously tasting BEEFY MEATABLES, that were imported all the way from Australia!!! Oh yeah! We spoiled dogs only get to eat the finest of the finest of the finest. HEE HEE
MMMM smells like heaven, tastes like paradise. Oh yeah!
Here's a close-up of the juicy goodness. Drooling yet?
Ofcourse as usual, we had to pose with our food 1st before we were allowed to eat. Aren't we the most obedient dogs you've ever seen on the face of the Earth? is so delicious!
Faith, my spotted sister would NOT touch any uncooked meat (she looney, I know!) so Melissa had to pan-fry it for her. She happily walloped it after that. Sheesh. Anyhoo, I hope you guys enjoyed looking at the pictures. So tell me, what did you guys get for din dins today?
Wow! You are lucky pups indeed!
You guys are so disciplined to hold that meat for a picture. Thanks for stopping by our blog today. I'm always glad to make new friends and we will start following you...
Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
Why don't you bring some of that over to the banquet!
Your pal, Pip
Oh oh, looks so yum. *drools* The Mommas are amazed you can hold onto the juicy meat without wolfing it down straight away. =p
Wow, how did you ever all sit with that yummy meat for a photoshoot? Phantom won't touch raw meat either but he does love cooked steak.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Delicious dinner and beautiful etiquette to match! :) You are a gorgeous doggy, Amber-Mae. I look forward to reading about your on-set hi-jinks soon!
- Mayli the Labradane
HOLY COW!!!! (Heehee.) Um. WOW! And yes, you are most definitely the Most Disciplined Doggies I have ever seen. (Disciplined to the point of crazy possibly, but hey....) Yummers!!!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
w00fs, yummmmm, is all me can wood had that eaten in a heartbeat..
b safe,
I think you actually ARE the most obedient dogs on the face of the earth! Woo!
Amber Mae...we've missed you dear girl!! We see you are still the MOST obedient dog on earth!!
Your dinner looks spectacular!!
Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny
Wow, that's a whole lot of beef! I'm squeamish myself, though, so I don't blame Faith one bit for waiting to have hers cooked. Being vegetarian myself, I'm grateful Cabana likes carrots and broccoli!
Woooow! I'm drooling right now! That looks so yummy! I don't know if I will eat raw meat either. Mommy hasn't ever let me try, so I can't say for sure if I will.
My special "jek bung" (literal translation "eat rice") was when I caught the gopher and got the chicken and rice and kibble. Regular days, I get dog cereal.
Mommy wanted me to ask you: how did you get the reaction stuff on your blog? Mommy has been trying to get it on my blog and can't find it.
Thank you everyfurs!
Sorry... I can't comment... the drooling here is hard!
Big steaks for all of you!
Haaa! My mom is like Faith... well done for her too!
Happy sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Love the picture of all of you with your food in your mouths! Lucky you...we eat dog food but sometimes mom will mix a little people food in it to make it yummier. And she gives us bones (knee of the cow) that she boils and it keeps us happily busy all night. Hope she gives us Australian steak one of these days...
Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
I can't believe you got everyone to hold still with all that meat! Oh boy! :)
Hi there, your din din looks yummy and we know they aren't cheap. You're so lucky!
You sure have us drooling! yummmmmmmo!
We had spaghetti!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Are you sure that was meat for dogs? Looks too good! And yes, you all are the most obedient dogs on the planet to be able to pose for a photo with that yummy looking meat in your mouths!
Mmm...looks good! We get the raw noms too. This morning was venison, beef and turkey heart!
I could pose, but not Duncan...big boy gobbles up the food as soon as it's in his mouth!!
Oh. My. Dawg. I cannot stop drooling. You pups must live in Dog Heaven. I have never seen a dog bowl full of succulent, red, juicy meat like yours. *drool........
And I play bow to your amazing restraint of being able to hold that juicy piece of meat in your mouth as you posed for a picture. How that is possible, I don't know. It would not last three seconds in my mouth!
Lucky pups!
Holy cow I can't believes ya'll just sit theres withs dat meat and bein' so good!!!!!! Oh my, dat would nevers happen heres.
Ya'll are truly lucky, special doggies to be ables to eat such good foods.
Thanks for coming to visit me!
I'll follow you now :)
Be sure to come get a kiss from me on March 10th. Corbin said he would get more than me so I gotta campaign! :)
PeeS- those look like GREAT nums!
Lucky yous! Ha, I would never sit holding that in my mouth like that! You lot so well behaved!
~lickies, Ludo
Penny usually has lovely, delicious food like that, but sigh... We are feeding her a boring, boring special kibble for six weeks, to try to discover whether it is something in her food that is making her skin itchy.
Oh, I forgot to say how super impressed I was that you could hang onto that meat for the photo!
Juicy, tendy, beefy, hmm, yummy.
Ambew Mae
All of you awe so well behaved and I think you desewve that yummilicious meets.It looks out of the wowld yummie(I've nevew had waw meet can you believe that?
I only get kibble and then some of Mommi and Daddi's food if it's something not bad fow me.
smoochie kisses
Oh dear, my dinner can't be compared with yours at all!! That looks so yummy, must be the super duper delicious food in the world! You're so lucky!
Wow - you get a better dinner than I do, and I live next door to Australia! You are all very well trained to wait for your photo to be taken before enjoying your meal.
With lots of drool,
Mmmm that looks so tasty... You are spoiled pups..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Amber...It's nice to meet you too. Yes, you can share my website.
Oh, dat meat looks soooooo good. You guys must be really good to pose for da flashy beast before you eats. Dat would never happens here in 87 million years.
I would soooooo be nom noming on that!
AmberMae, it's good to see you back again! Are any of these pooches your children?? Last we heard from you you were giving birth!
BRD & Hootie
Oh my oh my oh my!!! I don't even know what I would do with such a tasty treat! Have never set my eyeballs on a feast like that :) Enjoy!
Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose
mouth drooling.....can i have some??!! i is nice to meet you too! I love your blog!
Oh wow.. you had the 2 of us salivating over your yummy-licious din din!! All we had were the usual borrrrrrring stuff. (Your pups are all grown up now and gee, I do feel like an old 'uncle'... they are both gorgeous!!)
Amber Mae - sooooooooooo nice to hear from you again!!! Did you realize that you were the first dog to ever comment on my blog??? So cool of you! This is to your Mom: how in the world did you ever train all 4 pups to hold raw meat in their mouths til you gave them the OK???? Can't fathom it!!! Good job!!! And those meals must certainly have been tasty!!! The humans here don't eat so well!!!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Ozzie
Hi Amber - thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog. You are one lucky girl - fresh meat!!!! I am definitely jealous.
Wags N Kisses,
You fellas are the luckiest fellas around... and the most obedient too. I would have munch it right away.. without stopping for a pose. teeheehee
woofs n licks,
ummmm...well, i'm havin' troubles seein' my compy screen. see, it's all foggy 'n wet cuz of my hot breaths 'n droolies over that TOTALLY AWESOME MEAT! yummy yummy yummy in my tummy! ya'll are such lucky duckies!! oh, and i love the pic of ya'll holdin' your meats in your mouth. it gave me the giggles. i think it belongs in a calendar or somethingie like that! :)
the booker man
hey I wanna live with you guys! You're living the life- adopt me!!!
You guys are indeed the best behaved dogs...... I'm speechless... LOL! Faith who wouldn't eat the raw steak still held it.... how is that even possible?
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
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