My Loyal Followers

April 3, 2009

Three Days Old

The little squeaky Amberettes are doing very well. I can't believe they are already three days old. The days sure went by fast. Unfortunately, we had to move the puppies back to the bathroom because Amber has been refusing to stay in the Crib & nurse them. At first, I was pretty upset because I thought Amber was not accepting her puppies & the whole night till morning, she just stayed up, paced around & whined. But the moment all the puppies were put back in the bathroom, my gosh... What a WONDERFUL mother she is!

She stays with them almost the whole day, coming out just once in a whil
e. And the moment any of the puppies start calling, she runs back to them frantically. She has even sacrificed a lot for her puppies. The bathroom is stuffy & hot & recently I mentioned that she hates sleeping on anything besides the cold tiled floor. The lamps are on all the time & it gives out some heat & we cannot put on the fan on high for Amber because we want the pups to stay warm. Amber pants a lot in the bathroom because it's hot but she knows this is what's good for her puppies. She's just a wonderful mother & I'm so proud of her.

I think the Crib didn't give much privacy plus it was in an area where the TV is always on, the main door was just beside it & Chloe could look over it so I guess she just felt uncomfortable with that place. Amber doesn't seem to mind Chloe coming close to the puppies but Faith is kinda freaked out about them. She stays at least 10 feat away from them. I guess in a way it's good at least for now but I hope she will get used to them some day. The puppies' remaining cords have finally dropped off & I weighed each of them last night. Most of them are at least around 500 grams but one of the girls is around 400 grams. I think she is puppy #4. The smallest in the group. They each have their own identification collars too. I've taken more pictures of them with Amber in the bathroom which I would like to share with you all...

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! There'll be more to come. We haven't named them yet but once they are 2 weeks older or more, we'll be able to see each of their personalities & then it'll be much easier for us to name them.

I would also like to thank you all for the nice comments you left in the previous post. Sure it was sad & such a waste to lose three beautiful puppies but life must go on. Yes you all are right. 7 is much more easier to take care than 10 but still... We all including Amber are still sad over the loss. But 7 is a very lucky number or so I heard. I don't know why but it is. Thanks for cheering us up. We feel a lot better today.


Moco said...

They are beautiful puppies. Amber is quite busy being the mommy.

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Ha roo for Amber, the new puppies, and everyone else!

Lacy said...

w00f's, they iz bute ti fullll...u prolly right, the crib is in to public an area..when me and mama watch er vets, they always put mamas and new borns in a very quiet private placwe..soo glad its over and amber iz being the pawfect mama..still sad to lose the 3...

b safe,

Domi said...

Congrats Amber. You are such a good mommy and have such adorable puppies.

Tail wags,

Kelly said...

Oh my gosh! I just love the pictures. Amber looks so beautiful, as do the puppies!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

They are sooo furry khute that my paws khan't find the words!

Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

Yes Amber,

Lucky 7, ever heard of that ?
I am so proud of you, the pups are cuteee!

Diana Chiew said...

Have been waiting to see more pictures. They are just so sweet...and Amber is such a pretty mum and a good one too! Can't wait to see more pictures of them.

the many Bs said...

those pups look beautiful! Amber looks very happy in the bathroom. we're glad that she found the place where she is most comfortable to be a mother to her little ones.

we can't want to see more pictures of them. we have heard that 7 is a lucky number also!


Abby said...

Hi, You Guys...

Amber is such a good Mommy & the puppies are just adorable...

I can't wait to see pictures of them running around...You're gonna have your hands full...

Abby xxxxxxoooooo

Faya said...

Hahahah you should hear my VĂ©ronique : iiiihhhhh oooooohhhh aaaaaaahhhhhhhh....
Amber you are such a great Mom....
Kisses, Faya

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Amber your poopies be just adorable!
I just knew you'd make a great mum!
~lickies, Ludo

Anonymous said...

Amber Mae, the puppies are just beautiful - so precious! What a wonder! Gosh - were my ears really ever that little? What cuties!

See ya!

Jake of Florida said...

They are so dear -- no wonder just hearing the word "puppy" makes us all sigh and oooh and awwww.

We're so impressed with Ms. Amber-Mae -- her mom instincts kicked in and she was ready to be a mom!!!

Keep the photos coming!! They are precious!!

Jake and Just Harry

Clover said...

Oh Amber, your babies are just beautiful!! They are so so cute. I wish I was closer, so I could snuggle them!!
Thanks for sharing all of your new experiences with us. I will never get to be a Momma, so it is really great to learn about it! It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job.
Love Clover xo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Good for Amber being such a dutiful mom. The puppies look great - little butterballs. We will try to be patient and wait for more pics. Just remember you can never show us enough.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Rufus and Indie said...

Hi Amber! You are a wonderful mommy and your puppies are beautiful!

Mack said...

Those babies are preshuzzz and they are pretty like their momma!

Natasha Fernz said...

Congratulations Amber... They're lovely! Am sure you'll be a fab mom!

cleo & co

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Thanks for updating us with your pictures. Amber looks like she knows what she is doing!

Girasol said...

Amber you will be a wonderful mom!!!

Kelli said...

Thanks for keeping us updated with the sweet, cute, tiny pups! They are so precious! Glad to hear that Amber is such a good mama!
:) Tibby

Asta said...

The Ambewettes awe getting mowe bootiful evewy day.I'm so glad they awe doing well. Ambew is a cawing and loving Mothew..She desewves twuckloads of my smoochie kisses

Daisy said...

Amber, I knew you would be a good mama! Your puppies are beautiful.

Duke said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, the pups are just adorable! The duckie stuffie came in very handy! We just knew Amber would be the perfect mommy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Raising Addie said...

OMD these puppies are gorgeous!!
LOVE love love that picture of the pups with the plush duck! Too sweet!

Amber is a wonderful mom!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie

Terra said...

Amber your puppies are just beautiful!! Congratulations! Glad you are enjoying being a Mum!

Charlie said...

What cute Amberettes! And I'll bet they all have puppy breath -- I LOVE puppy breath!!

Do you ever read Labtails ( Joan often writes about her litters (e.g. see posts starting in Sept. 2008 for the latest one) and I'm sure would be happy to trade tricks & tips if you want.

Hang in there, you're doing GREAT!

Joe Stains said...

Omdog the CUTENESS! We can't take it. Amber is a great Mom.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

How wonderful to see Amber with the pups. You know she must really loves her babies to stay with them in the heat. Mommy can't wait to hear their names & see them, running around. We'll have to let Angel Samantha know the names of Ambers angel pups.


Ruby Bleu said...

That so great that Amber is doing so well. I love the picture with the pup and the ducky!!!!

Can't wait to see more pix!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Moose said...

The wee Amberettes are cuties. Great photos especially the weigh in!
Tail Wags to All

Che-Cheh said...

Awww so cute & little. They look very settle in there. I'm sure Amber pick the spot she think is best for the kiddos.

Maggie said...

You are a really good mother amber..
and yes,
7 is good!
so do not worry too much okay :)
i believe the 7 pups will do just fine!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Amber!
I am so happy to see you with your babies! Glad to know you all are doing well.
You are the best mom!
Kisses and hugs

Janz said...

Hi Amber, am so proud of u... Ur puppies are so adorable... Looking forward for more pics... Hugs & kisses...

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Sorry for not commenting sooner, but we have actually been following the birth process on your blog..Mom was a bit busy with her work so she didn't help me leave a comment. =(

Congrats on the wonderful puppies! They are so adorable! So sorry to hear about the loss of 3 girls too. But like you said, life has to go on...we're looking forward to read about the progress of these pups! They're precious!


zephyros said...

too many comments to go through but, privacy might not be the reason amber moved to the toilet. puppies need to be kept warm etc, so that could be a reason why she chose the warmer toilet than the cooler crb.

Wei Qian said...

Thanks for all the photos! :] Amber is such a great mum!

best regards

Thor and Jack said...

Amber, you are a great mommy and your puppies are adorable!


i said...

Congrats! Aaww...what adorable puppies! What a clever girl you are, Amber! You're quite the mommy!

Really sorry to hear about the 3. Guess that's the way with nature at times.

Simba and Jazzi said...

The puppies are so cute! Looks like Amber is doing a great job.

Have a great weekend.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Sally said...

They are just wonderful!Enjoy to see the nice photos and hope there will be more to be posted here ^^
Amber u r doing a great job!

Princess Patches said...

You are a really great mommy, Amber and your puppies are just gorgeous!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Pipa said...

We're so proud of you around here, Ambie! What a super-dooper-Mummy you are! Your furry-puppies are sooo cute and boootiful! Please, keep on taking pictures... Gosh, it must sooo exciting to have all those puppies around the house! :)



Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

What a wonderful miracle they are!!!!
we're soooooo proud of you dear Amber!!!!!
you're a super mom!!!!
your puppies are soooooooooo cute and we love watching them pictures!!!!
thanks for sharing with us these Great moments!!!!
Life is a Wonderful thing!!!!
Lots of cuddles for you and your babies!!!!
can't wait to see other photos!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the puppies are just so gorgeous! And Amber looks like such a good mother...we are all so proud of you!

Honey the Great Dane

parlance said...

Thanks for sharing this special time with us. I've never been involved with a doggy birth before and I think it is exciting and fascinating to follow the events as they happen.

GSD Adventures said...

AW! Great pics! So glad everyone is doing well. Can't wait for more pics!

Pruett and Daphne

Anonymous said...

Those are some beaauuutiful babies!! You are makin' my Mom want to get another puppy!!

Angel n Miko said...

Aww they're so cute (:

Amber really is a great mom !
I don't think I could sacrifice that much !
I hate the heat of blankets too !
I rather sleep on the cold floor den on mommy's bed ;D


Emma said...

Priceless photos! What a wonderful mom she is and how cute are the pups. You are lucky :)

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Amber...they're bootiful...THEY ARE SO TINY THEY MAKE THAT DUCK LOOK HOOGGGEEEE!!!!! do ya know what to do? I mean did ya read a book or somethin'?? It's a ton of responsiblity....they are so gosh darn cute too!!!

Love ya lots...


Honey said...

Wow! Super cute on day 3!
Thanks for posting the photos, and sharing the details. We have had one litter (of chocolate labs) at our home a few years back, and it was quite an adventure.
Cheers, Honey (Honey's hoomom)

Clive said...

They are just the most beautiful puppies. Hope everyone is doing well and well done Amber. You are fantastic and I hope you're getting a little rest in there somewhere!

lots of woofs

Rudy said...

Mom is just going crazy over those little things! Did I say she was a sucker for puppies? She wants to tell you those collars are darling!!! How did you get such tiny collars?
When our breeder has a litter of pups at her house they all stay upstairs in her bedroom in a doggie baby pool with rugs and things in it. That way they all stay warm and quiet while she's grooming dogs in the basement. Amber just wanted some peace and quiet I bet. Mom loves to come over and check out the puppies.

If my last 'hot date' has pups sometime mid-May (we're not sure she's pregnant yet) Mom will surely be over to visit a LOT....
Puppies grow up fast!! Enjoy them while you can.


Homer said...

Hey Amber,

You are such a wonderful mum and you are doing a very good job looking after your little ones.


Firefighter Dayna Hilton said...

Congratulations! Sparkles and I have been out of state and away from the computer and I couldn't wait to get home to see if Amber had had the puppies yet. We are so excited for you! We wish you had a "puppy cam!" : ) Thanks for sharing the adorable photos!


Dayna and Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog

Suzuki said...

Hi Amber!
I'm glad you and the fur kids are doing well :) They are furry cute.
Big licks to you

Unknown said...

I`m feel so emotionating...with amber and her babys...

a big lick to you friend...

☮momoKo said...

Hi Amber!
Congratulations! You became a mom.
I pray for all babies of you being brought up well.

Heart of goldie,momoKo

Stanislaw said...

What gorgeous fat puppy bellies! My mom is a sucker for fat little puppy bellies. They are just so snuggly!

Eric said...

Amber what fab photos of you and your puppers, they are wayyyyy cute!!!Keep those photo's coming!

Wiry wags, Eric xx

Land of Lincoln Labbies said...

Hello Amber Mae and Amberettes,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving us a comment recently. Amber is such a pretty momma with a wonderfully cute group of puppers!
Our Ruger just wanted to say hubba hubba! Everytime we pull up Amber Mae's pics he starts staring at them and slobbering. He thinks she is absolutely beautiful even in a motherly way. Glad to hear she is taking such good care of those puppers! Smooches from Ruger and the boys!

DogzRock! said...

What beautiful pups,so adorable.
congratz amber,you have done well!



Unknown said...

they are such cuties! congratulations Amber :D

L said...

Congratulations to Amber! What beautiful puppies she has and she is turning out to be such a good mother. We bet Auntie Faith and Chloe will enjoy the pups once they are little older.

We are very sorry to hear that 3 of the puppies didn't make it. We can only imagine how sad that is for you and Amber.

We can't wait to see more pics of the pups as they get bigger.
Comet and BLU

Eduardo said...

Those are some cute pups! What a great Mommy Amber is!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Huskee and Hershey said...

Amber is a great mom and I am sure she will do what's best for her babies.. Poor Auntie Faith, I bet she is trying to make head or tail out of those Amberettes! Don't fret, pretty soon when the babies are bigger, I am sure Auntie Faith will fall in love with them.
Cna't wait to see what those pups will be named!

Helios said...

They are sooooo cute! My M says it reminded her of my puppy days.

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow what beautiful puppies....we missed the birth and we're sorry ta hear that Amber lost 3 Mom lost 2 puppies in 'er first litter too and Gram was sure sad and so was my Mom....we hope all the others grow and thrive....they are special and lovely and we are sure you will enjoy them all....

Dewey Dewester here....

Randi said...


Speaking of mommies, I"m gonna BITE MY MOMMY cuz she hasn't helped me visit your bloggy FOREVER!

Your little babies are just beautiful & I know you are gonna be such a wonderful mommie!!!!

Love & Licks to you & all your pups & your sisters too!

Love & Licks,

Rambo said...

You did a great job Amber. Your pups are beautiful!!

Islay said...

Congratulations Amber on your little bundles of puppy love! Bet you're going to get a whole lot of treats for Easter!


Thoughts said...

Oh my, they are so beautiful! We are so glad to hear that Amber is doing so well with them!

Keep us posted and keep the pictures coming!

Benson and Gibson

Mika said...

It's great to see how well the puppies and mommy Amber are doing! Healthy wishes to everyone!

Tee said...

OHhhhhh the puppers are the cutest even if they're only a week old!

Glad to hear that every one is doing well, mom and puppers.

Licks and Wags
Tuffy of Dog WOods

Louisette passion retriever, cat, memory Katanga said...

Lovely puppies golden 's fotos, nice blog.
greting from Belgium ,Louisette+2 golden.