My Loyal Followers

March 11, 2009

My Private Crib

Hello guys! Sorry that I have been away for too long. Well, I wanna show you all my own private crib! I call it, 'Amber's VIP Crib'. Yeah! It's big, it's spacious & I even have my own mini ceiling fan to keep me cool in the day. Here are some pictures of mah Crib...

Welcome to mah Crib!

You like it?

Chloe & I checking out the place...

This Crib gets 6 paws up! We like it!

Mommy's camera has "kapooted" about a week ago so it is now at the camera hospital to have a surgery. I don't know how long it'll take but hopefully it'll be ready soon. So these pictures were taken using the old camera. But I guess it doesn't look that bad eh? This camera is almost like 10 years old.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures. One day, I will invite you all to come & have a private get-together pawty in mah Crib! Whee! By the way, check out mah belly. It's very round!

Look! Compare mine with Chloe's! This picture was taken a week back so today it is a little more bigger.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It is nice to see woo again!

Khool nursery woo have going there!

AND woo do a grrrrreat froggy pose!

I hope all of woo are happy and healthy!


Rambo said...

Wow Amber! You are right! You can have a big pawty in that crib!
I can see that your belly is bigger than Chloe's. That's okay, cause my belly is bigger than Midgets and I'm not even carrying pups! I just love to eat.
Have fun in your new crib!

Che-Cheh said...

Ya cribs rawks girl!!! Lovely shade of pink & yellow.
Soon it'll be filled with your babies. Ohh I can't wait.

Sara Alves said...

Looking good Amber! :) your belly looks really nice!
And I think your pups are going to looove the new place!

Lots of Licks

Lorenza said...

Hi, Amber!
Your private room is pawesome!
I can see you are getting ready for your puppies!
Paws crossed for your camera's surgery!
You have a beautiful round belly!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

You have a fantastic crib ..
I just got a 'camp' from Ikea as my crib.. not as luxurious as yours .. :-)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Good to see you again, after your last post we were getting worried. A nice round belly is a good sign. We love your private nursery. Take care.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

we miss you a lot!!!
we're very happy to have your news again!!!!!
your private room is wonderful!!!!
we can see you're ready for your puppies!!!!OHHHH what a great miracle!!
take care of you dear baby!!!!
can't wait to have some news from you and have a party all toghter for celebrate the great event!!!
Lots of love and kisses!!!

GSD Adventures said...

Glad to get an update and here you doing great. The new crib is awesome!

Pruett and Daphne

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Love the color and very chic looking!

Anonymous said...

Sure like your crib, Amber! Hope you're feeling "blooming and radiant"!
Honey the Great Dane

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Now Amber...I surely hope you have numerous electric outlets in that crib for my blenders...I'm thinkin' five should do it for the pawty...oh I can't wait...WHEN IS IT?

So glad ur feelin' better dear girl....I love that golden maternity outfit ur wearin'!!!!!


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

ahh, is the crib gonna be where you have the puppies?

Kelli said...

Hi Amber Mae!
I like your cool crib! Are the little puppies going to be in there when you have them? I can't wait to meet them!
:) Tibby

Ashley said...

Pawsome Crib! Now Max is gonna want one too!

Lacy said...

w00f's Amber and sistas, cool crib ya gots there...heehee soon it gonna b full of little puppy is glad everything is ok wiff ur puppies, had me skeered there fur awhile...

b safe,

pps me iz catching up wiff me bloggie reading tonite...mama has been sooo slow lately..u wood think she wuz the one wiff puppies..

Agatha and Archie said...

OH IT IS FABULOUS!!Archie is off knitting away for the babies( I didn't know he could knit really..) He and I are SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!! Look at your little tummy!!!!!!!Love and kisses (extra ones too for the babies) A+A

Juno said...

Hello Amber!!! OMD, you're expecting!! You're OK, right, Amber???? You look fab in your new crib!!! Please take a good care of yourself, ok??

Momo & Pinot

The PR Gang said...

That's a pretty fancy whelping box. You're lucky your humans are so clever and love you so much. You're looking good too!

Joe Stains said...

looks like a super fabulous crib to me!!! I bet your pups will love it!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Amber Mae,
Your crib is so pretty and spacious! All you need now are some cushions and towels to make it more cosy and comfy!
Bet your pups will love their 'first home'...

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

That is a very cool crib indeed, Amber! I agree with Huskee...some pillows / cushions inside would be very comfy indeed! *wink*


Unknown said...

wow! cool crib Amber.

Suzuki said...

Furry cool crib Amber :)
Big licks to you

Wei Qian said...

Wow, a crib of your own. How cool!!! I wish i had one too XD

best regards

Maxie said...

The private crib is pretty. It will be perfect for your puppies. I'm excited to see what they look like.


Princess Patches said...

What a cool crib, Amber! We can't wait to see your beautimous puppies!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Aki and Poopie said...

do all mums-to-be get free cribs? its soo cool... i hope even baby boys like me can get one too!

and oh... i think your tummy is about as big as chloe's... hehe... *peace Codyman*.. we hope all goes well for you and your babies amber!

drooly kisses,


parlance said...

What a lovely round tummy! Just think of those little ones swimming and sleeping inside you.

The Oceanside Animals said...

So that's where the magic happens!

Clay's Mommy said...

Hi Amber!
We really like your cool new crib and we wanted to wish you a Happy St. Patty's Day!

The J.A.Z. Pack!

Mack said...

Hi ladies!!

Does this mean it's getting closer???!!

Homer said...

Hi Amber-mae,

Your VIP crib looks so nice - it's PINK! You should paste some pictures of stocks, Mickey Mouse, Donald Ducks, Golden Puppies etc.

When are you going to 'pop'?


Simba and Jazzi said...

What a great crib, you are been very well looked after.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

Golden Samantha said...

Nice crib! And your belly is surely bigger than Chloe's!!! Wow, you really are showing now! Hope you are feeling good - You all look great in the super crib and the camera is still doing a great job after 10 years!
xo Sammie

Sweepy said...

Hey, what do we have here? A Private Crib for Mumsy-To-Be! It's Big and it sure looks cool. Yer right we can have a party there!

Btw, are they going to install a water bed there too?

Just asking.

Dexter said...

You are getting nice and round. Any day now, right? Then your crib will be full.


Duke said...

You're starting to look like you're carrying puppies, Amber! We love your crib! There is lots of room in there for lots of pups!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

the many Bs said...

hi Amber, that is a nice looking crib. we can't wait to see you and your little pupsters all together in there.


Jemma Chihuahua said...

We love your pretty looking crib!

Dino and Family said...

Whoa! Amber! That is a crib fit for royalty! I love it! It's going to be a great place to welcome your little pups! I am so excited! Love, Dino

Charlie said...

Good crib, Amber! One addition you might think about is a pig rail around the inside of the box (you can make it with plastic drain pipe) so you don't accidently squish a puppy up against the side of the box. I love puppies!
- Charlie

p.s. Tell me they're going to be dark like you!

Anonymous said...

Cool crib Amber!
Gruffs from the Scruff

Mason Dixie said...

What a great crib!! Hope you get the camera back before the pups are here. =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber Mae! I love the new crib! It's beautiful! I'm happy to see you looking so happy and feeling good.

Your pal,

Amber said...

Hiii! Me miss you!! Feels like years hahas. i liek your new privaye crib, you and your sista can get plenty of privacy ;)
add some pillows and and toys great place to snooze :D

Big licks

Deetz said...

What a lovely crib, Amber.
I sure hope you are feeling okay. I have been worried about you but my mum has been busy and not able to help me come see you as often as I would like too

The Musketeers said...

Wow Amber ! Looks like someone tummy have won my honey bun's one ! BOL ! Cant wait ! It's nearing !

Rudy said...

That's a nice big nursery for you! I'm going to be a daddy too, I hope. I had a couple of dates with a nice young girl this past week so we're hopin' to hear the patter of little paws in a couple of months! Mom loves puppies sooo much!


Unknown said...

Nice crib, Amber-Mae! Here in New York, we call that a "one-bedroom apartment." Countdown to puppies!!

Your pal,

Uncle Petey

Toffee said...

I love your crib!
now all you need is a nice comfy couch for your crib and you are set!

L said...

Your crib looks like so much fun! Maybe you can keep it even after the puppies? You sure are getting quite the baby bump!

Maggie said...

lovely baby bump amber! :)
hope that you will do alright! :)
have a nice day :D :D
I can't wait to see them!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hey...that is nice and fun..

i wan 2!!

Nessa Happens said...

Ohmygod Amber!! You're going to be a mum!!! We've been away for so long we had no idea oh my god oh my god! OOOOOOOOOOOH! You look mahvelous, dahlink!