My Loyal Followers

March 8, 2009

UPDATE-Amber is alright!

Hi again. Well Amber went to a new vet this afternoon with my Mom & this doctor said that Amber probably has a urinary infection or something bad happened to the puppies in her tummy. He was a young guy, probably not very experienced with pregnant dogs. He checked Amber's vulva area & said there's blood & it has already turned black. But we didn't see blood. It's brownish discharge. Normally, it should be clear but I don't know why Amber's is brownish. So my Mom then called up Amber's husband's owner & he told us not to panic too much. He's a very experienced breeder & he knows some vet stuff very well. He advised us to dab a tissue on her vulva area every hour & see whether it's clear. It's been clear so far & we checked three times already. Then he asked us if Amber is bloated like a goat or something like that. We said no. Amber's tummy looks normal, bigger than before but not exploding. Then we collected Amber's pee to see if it's bloody. Nope. It's yellowish like normal. So everything is ALL FINE! Phew! We really panicked like crazy after the vet said she might have an abortion because her discharge hasn't stopped. Amber's discharge started right after the mating. A bit too soon but I don't think there's anything wrong with her. I think we really over panicked. Well, everything is all well again. Amber's appetite is huge, she's still active(okay she walks slow nowadays but still has drive for her tennis balls), she's still her normal self except that she pants quite a bit now but not excessively. So, I'm sorry for all the panic guys! We just got really worried. I guess all owners should be if anything doesn't seem normal with their own pets or if their pets are in delicate condition like Amber right? We'll still keep checking her just in case anything should go wrong.

Amber doesn't seem right today & she's been having excessive discharge. I don't know what's wrong but we called up the vet & he said she may need to have an abortion if there's something wrong & our neighbor who their dog just gave birth a month back said it could possibly be a sack that has ruptured. All the vets we called are closed today because today's Sunday but our neighbor knows one that is still open till late afternoon. My Mom & her have gone. I'm at home taking care of the other two. I hope it's not bad news when she comes back. It'd be so devastating if it is. Please pray that is not bad news. Whatever it is, Amber's life is more important than the puppies. If there's anything wrong with her, she has to be saved.


Dino and Family said...

Oh My! Big hugs! You must be so worried! I hope it is not serious, we are all keeping all paws crossed. Please keep us posted! Love, Dino

Maxie said...

We'll be praying for her. Please keep us posted.

Charlie and Mom

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Sending you lots of hugs, and good wishes for Amber. We are thinking of her.



♥♥♥♥Team Husky♥♥♥♥ said...

We have all our paws, toes and fingers crossed for Amber and the puppers.....we hope they are okay!

Please let us know as soon as woo can.....we're real worried and won't be able to sleep until we know Amber is okay!!!

Woo Woos
Prince on behalf of Team Husky

Duke said...

OMG! This is very upsetting! We are sending lots of AireZen for Amber! Please keep us updated!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Che-Cheh said...

We hope Amber is okay.

You must be very worried.

DogzRock! said...

I hope Amber is okay,I will keep my paws crossed for her,she is a beautiful and strong dog and I expect she will get through it!!!
Good Luck and lots of love and kisses
Travis The Dog!!!

P.S please follow my blog!!!

Terra said...

Oh dear!! Fingers and paws and all other limbs crossed for Amber and those puppies!! Will be thinking of you guys...

~ Jedi & Ahsoka ~

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Mango, Ximui and Chubs all pray for Amber and her pups are safe. We love you dearly Amber, ((((hugs))))

BenTheRotti said...

oh no! I am crossing my paws and sending lots of rotti zen. Thank you for letting us know and please keep us updated, we totally agree that Ambers well being is the most important issue here.

thinking of you all,

Ben xxx

Suzuki said...

I hope Amber is ok :( I will keep ev-furry thing crossed fur her.
Big licks to you

Chris and Ricky said...

Oh, We hope Amber is ok! We'll be sending good thoughts your way!

Dexter said...

Oh Amber-Mae,
I am sending my Mango vibes to you to be OK. There is only ONE Amber-Mae!


Chow Chow said...

OMD! My prayers are with Amber-Mae.....I'm sure she will be ok!!! Please keep us updated. She will be fine!

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh no, we hope Amber is ok. That is the most important thing. We have our paws crossed for her. Sending lots of positive thoughts.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy x

Niamh said...

Hope all goes well at the vet. I am sure Amber-mae will be fine. Let us know how she is doing.

Your friend,

Abby said...

Oh My...I hope Amber is OK...

I'm sending lots of Good Lhasa Vibes...

Please keep up posted...

Abby xxxooo

Wei Qian said...

Oh no, i hope and pray that Amber will be just fine! i will keep my paws cross

best regards

Unknown said...

Oh, this is so worrisome! We'll keep saying prayers for Amber, her pups and you until we hear more from you.

Your pal,

Petey (And Mica and Mommy, too)

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Oh no, sending you good vibes and hoping that everything is okay!

Angel Tucker, Daisy and Leo said...

Thats terrible news. We will keep Amber-Mae in our thoughts and puppy prayers.

Tucker and Daisy

The Brat Pack said...

We're sending all our good vibes and love her way...please keep us posted.

The Brats

Raising Addie said...

OH NOES... we will keep Amber in our thoughts and prayers.

Please let us know how she is doing.

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie

Princess Patches said...

We are sending lots of Aire-zen! You are right...Amber's well being is of the upmost importance!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Golden Samantha said...

We will pray for Amber Mae here, with paws and fingers crossed and send pawsitive thoughts your way.
Hugs and Love
xo Sammie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed and lots of Sibe Vibes being sent 'round the world to you!


H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

We are wooing for you in our house!

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

Shouldn't you have had the info on an emergency vet before you thought about breeding her?

Hope she pulls through.

Asta (oz)

Snowball said...

we will be praying for Amber. Please keep us updated when you have any news.



Are paws are crossed. We hope all is okay.

Essex & Deacon

Thor and Jack said...

We´re keeping Amber in our thoughts and prayers. Sending lots of pawsitive vibes your way.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are hoping that everything is ok.. All paws crossed here at the Heeler Ranch..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Mack said...

Oh no - We are all praying over here that everyone is safe and sound.

-Mack & family

Mason Dixie said...

Hope everything is okay. Let us know as soon as possible.

kingsley said...

i'm crossing my paws for you. Anxiously waiting for your updates. hope that everything is ok.

licks kingsley

Unknown said...

I will pray for her!! I believe that so many human and the dogs praying.., Amber will be fine!!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh we saw your post earlier, but as usual stupid firefox was playing us up and could not continue on your blog for getting shut out.
Got on to I.E. just now to happily read your update on Amber.
Hoping and wishing good thoughts for her,

your friends, Jeannie and Marvin in Scotland xxxxxxxxxx

Joe Stains said...

omdog Amber I am so glad to hear you are ok. We are sending healing vibes to you.

Jake of Florida said...

Yikes, We're glad we missed the first scary news --- and only got here after the update was posted.

We smile every time we think of our pregnant Amber, and hope she stays OK.

Lots of wirey love,

Jack and Just Harry

Abby said...

Hi, Amber...

OMdoG...I was worried...I'm glad things seem to be OK...

Please take care of yourself & your beautiful little babies...

I'm still sending Good Lhasas Vibes & keeping my paws crossed...

Now get some rest...It's been a long day for you...

Abby xxxooo

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Phew! Glad to hear that she is ok after all!

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
I had the same problem as Marvin.
Glad to know everything is ok!
Paws crossed for Amber!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

I am thinking of you and cwossing my paws that evewything will stay OK..pleez tke cawe of youwself..that is the most impowtant..I hope the puppies awe fine, but youw health is most impowtant!
Sending you soothing healing smoochie kisses

Eric said...

Amber, phew!! I'm so glad you are allright. You must take good care of yourself and not give Mom anymore frights like that.I'll be barking for you across the big pees.

Wiry wags, Eric xx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So sorry to hear that Amber is having some problems. We hope it is nothing serious but do keep us all updated. Will she be seeing your regular vet soon? Sibe vibes are being sent her way.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

the many Bs said...

we just saw your update. what a relief. we're sooo happy that Amber is okay. this is a new experience for all of you, so it's completely normal to panic when something doesn't seem right. our mom is a worry-wart too, so we totally understand.


Mason Dixie said...

Thank goodness she is okay and so are the puppy's. my mom would have panicked just as much. =)

Clive said...

Very glad to hear that everything is okay with Amber and the puppies! With lots of woofs ...

Noah the Airedale said...

So all is good then....phew!
I'd have panicked too. Good idea to keep checking her. Best to be on the safe side.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy x

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Haven't had time to visit until today - and only just heard! How awful! Really hope that Amber will be OK -

paws crossed,
Honey the Great Dane

Clay's Mommy said...

Oh Amber! We sure you are okay! We really are excited for your puppies so get better soon and stop worrying your poor momma!

The J.A.Z. Pack

Mack said...

Here's a poem I made up:

is Okay!!!!

So glad Amber is feeling better!

Chris and Ricky said...

Glad to know Amber's ok!!!!!!!!

Hero said...

My mom and I are so glad to hear that Amber is okay! I'm still going to remember you in my prayers tonight just in case!

Duke said...

We're so relieved to hear that Amber is okay! Thank doG! You can never be too careful, right?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kess And Her Mama said...

Hi Amber,

Glad to hear you're OK. Your human is of course right to worry about you because you are so precious! Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Oh Amber-Mae, We're so glad you're all right. We hope everything goes well from here on in.

See ya!
Joey and Zeke

Golden Samantha said...

Ohmy! So glad everything appears to be okay - we are very, very happy that signs are better and I do think that no matter what, we want to check ourselves out if something doesn't seem right - so I think you did the right thing. Good that Amber seems to be good! Puppers!
Love and Licks xo

Rambo said...

OMD....all this girly talk! Pregnancy, bloating, puppies, discharge!! I don't understand! Mating....yes...I understand this. But I stil haven't been lucky and I am 3 1/2 yrs old!!!
I have my paws crossed for Amber.

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Glad to hear she is okay!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Great news, Amber! Now you just get comfy on the sofa and have Chloe and Faith wait on you paw and foot!

Your pal,

Uncle Petey

Simba and Jazzi said...

That must be so scary for you all. We are keeping you in our thoughts and sending good vibes your way. Hope everything is ok.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Raising Addie said...


We are soooo very happy that Amber and the pups are ok!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie

Thoughts said...

Oh thank God everything is allright. We will still be sending good thoughts and prayers your way Amber!

Barks and Wags,

Benson and Gibson

Southbaygirl said...

Amber, I'm so happy you are OK!! I know your mommy was worried!!

Please take care of yourself!!



GSD Adventures said...

Keep us posted. We've got our paws crossed for you!

Pruett and Daphne

Fred said...

So glad she's OK! That was scary!

Sweepy said...

AMber is Okay!
And I am woofy glad!
HappyWomen'sMonth, furries!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I held my breath when I read the first news about your pregnancy, Amber. I felt so sad I left you some comfort words but blogger ate that. Thanks goodness next thing I heard was good good news, I'm so glad. You have to be fine, to have heathy puppies and to make me a pround uncle, k?

Angie Tan said...

Snoopygirl & Rustyboy send you their many many licks and snuggles.

Rustyboy is very good with snugglies while Snoopygirl is excellent with lickies.

Hope all the pups are ok.


Bae Bae said...

I'm keeping my paws crossed the Amber is ok

~ Bae

Biggie-Z said...

We are SO GLAD everything seems to be ok. Good luck!

Moco said...

Amber will be in our circle of healing vibes until she safely delivers all her wonderful pups.

Kelli said...

I hope that all continues to go well with Amber! I will be keeping her and the pups in my thoughts!
:) Tibby

Dino and Family said...

Phew! What a relief! Give the sweetheart a scratchie from me please! Love, Dino

Golden Samantha said...

Still praying that Amber's okay and know it was just her barkday! So I (and my peeps) want to wish you a happy, happy barkday Amber!
Lovies and Hugs,
Sammie and her peeps!

Anonymous said...

OMD! Just now seeing this. I hope she is going to be ok. Keep us posted!

Allison Walton said...

WHEW!! We are soo glad that she is okay!!

Give her extra snuggles from us, okay?

Gus and Waldo

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Amber,
Sorry that we only just found out but hey, we are soooooooooo glad that you are ok. It's normal for the humans to panic... our mom is a worry-wart herself, so she totally understands. (you know ever since Hershey's diarrhea episode, she checks Hershey's poop condition all the time now.. I think she really should find a hobby!!)
Take care of yourself and your pups!

parlance said...

Oh thanks goodness Amber is alright! What a worrying, even terrifying, day!

Pipa said...

Ambie, so glad you're doing fine!!!!!!

I was really worried about you.

Take good care, sweet Ambie!



Fenway said...

We are still worried about Amber, so please give us an update!

Your pal,

Fenway said...

We are still worried about Amber, so please give us an update!

Your pal,

Sara Alves said...

Amber! thank god your fine! and the pups too :)
take care now ok?
and keep us posted please :)
LIcks Pu

Johann The Dog said...

Scarrrryyyy stuff! I'm so glad all's OK now, whew!

tula monstah said...

Wheww.. exhale.. good to hear Amber is ok and her pups. Hope all the crossed paws helped!

take care of yourself,
kisses, tula

L said...

What a scary situation! We are glad that Amber is ok and back to her normal self.

Fenway said...

Thanks for giving Ms. Alpha guidance on how to teach me to walk the teeter the RIGHT way.

She's just about to take me out and do it again. I noticed that when we were on it yesterday, she stopped treating me when I jumped off an on. I learned the only way to get that tasty chicken was to get on at the beginning and walk to the very end.

Thanks again. We will start with the slow walks today and have her hold my collar so I understand how to do it!

Your pal,

Emma said...

Oh my I hope she and the pups are ok. Oh dear, what a scare. Big hugs to all of you and we will keep you in our thoughts, hoping everything will turn out great.

Life With Dogs said...

Whew! Good news, hooray! I think a pile of treats are in order!

Homer said...

Hi Amber,

Just found out that you are pregnant (I've not been reading a lot of my doggy friends' blog for a while).

I wish you a smooth pregnancy and I am guessing that you are going to have seven puppies - 5 girls 2 boys!


Selba said...

Wishing you all the best for you and also the puppies in your tummy :)

Adele, Vincent & Bella

Sami & Baylee said...

Amber we will say a prayer to make sure you will be okay and your babies. I miss you guys! Take it easy and get lots of rest! We love you!

xoxoxoxo Sami and family

Wei Qian said...

phew, am so glad that everything is fine now! (:

best regards

Deetz said...

My Paws are soooooo crossed. We love you Amber, please be okay....
Let us know as soon as you have word.....

Stanislaw said...

We are SO HAPPY that Mommy Amber and her Amberettes are doing fine. We don't know anything about breeding, but we always say that a strong appetite and a feasting dog is a good thing!

Keep up the good mommy work!

Deefor said...

Hi Amber
I am glad to hear you are ok. Hope you are feeling fine now. I'll be thinking of you.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hope Amber and the babies are all ok...keep us updated, Kay!!!! We're thinkin' of her and sending her hooge amounts of healin' zennie!!!!!

Lotsa love,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny

Clover said...

Hi friends,
So glad to hear that Amber is ok. Of course we understand that you were worried, I think that is a normal reaction!! But thankfully things are a-ok now.
Take care, we love you!
Love Clover xo

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

I realise we have commented earlier, but it is difficult to follow your blog at the moment because we use Firefox and Firefox is being a beast, and does not like linking to your blog, and I.E. takes so long to load..........

just wanted to know we are still interested and wishing all well for dear Amber, just getting pretty pissed off with Firefox..........

Hope things are getting better and Amber is ok.

Your friends, Jeannie and Marvin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Glad to hear everything is fine. Lots of Golden hugs and kisses. Woofs! Sugar

Abby said...

Hi, again, Amber...

Hey, stop over & see me...I have a Contest going on...

Abby xxxooo

duo_disaster said...

We're with Amber & all of you at home. Please be safe as we all keep our paws crossed. Do keep us posted of the progression.

Till then, we send our angels to guard over her & the litter.

Be Blessed,
Rudolf, Goofy (and Lafite)

the Corgi Girls said...


Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hope everything's OK, Amber! Let us know!