My Loyal Followers

August 29, 2008

Another New Trick!

Mommy didn't teach me the "Wash Your Paws" trick yet but she taught me another one. I can look very sad on command. Hehehe! Check it out...

Mommy said I'll be a very good actress in one of those very depressing movies. Hahaha! I hope you enjoyed the video.


Anonymous said...

Haha, you are good in this! Amazing~

Kess And Her Mama said...

Bravo Amber Mae! You truly are amazing. Angelina Jolie, watch out! Here comes Amber Mae!

Lacy said...

w00f's amber mae and sistas,

wow amber mae, that wuz pawsome....u cood beat any actress on the screen....

b safe,

Simba and Jazzi said...

You make a fine actress, I can see you at the oscars now.

Simba x

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Whoa...awesome trick! I can just see you winning an Emmy or an Oscar...*wink*


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Amber,
Sigh.. you are too good.. you are putting me in shame.. Sigh sigh...
Can you try not to be so good so that I won't look so lousy? Hehehe...

i said...

Oh wow, you are really fantastic! You should go into acting, can just imagine all the awards you'd win!

The Black and Tans. said...

Amber you are so clever. We are very impressed.

Have a lovely weekend.

Molly and Taffy


Oh wow Amber that is truely amazing!! You are a born star and to be able to repeat it over and over again is brilliant.
Oh mum said to tell you that they said your parcel was returned because it was not addressed to the "householder" (ie my daddy. What a load of dog poop!!

Faya said...

You are the best Amber ! I looked at your video again and again...this is amazing. You deserve an oscar !
Kisses, Faya

Niamh said...

You will show up all those Hollywood starletss with your awesome acting skills. You will be a big hit.

Your friend,

Homer said...

Amber Mae,

You are an intelligent girl. We are looking forward to your next new trick!


Mack said...

You would make one pawsome & beautiful Hollywood starlet, Amber! You are soooo talented!

I almost started crying when you were looking so sad!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Amber Mae,
I'm impressed of your learning skill and your acting talents. Looking at you acting sad, I need boxes of tissues, hic! hic!
If any of Hollywood agents contacted you, bark out a sky high price, you deserve it.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sami & Baylee said...

Amber that was awesome! Hey maybe that might come in handy to get more tastey hooman foodies. How did you learn that trick? You and your mommy are so talented! I have never seen a doggie so smart and do all as many tricks as you do. Your a very good listener!


A&S said...

you are one good actress! it made us so sad when you looked sad even tho we knew you were just pretending!

Deefor said...

I think you should be in the movies or on TV. You made me cry.... You look so sad. Maybe you can use that face next time a human says no.


Deetz said...

Oh my gosh........that is soooo amazing. You look so sad too. You are definitely movie star material.

Casper and pals said...

Wow Amber , you are so smart!

Unknown said...

You are wonderful! We really were believing every sad emotion that you were depicting. Time to get some auditions .... you will be famous!

Unknown said...

You had me absolutely convinced. You are one heck of an actress Amber! Great new trick.

Boo Casanova said...

i'm sooooo soooooo sad now. :(

wet wet licks


Charlie Daniels said...

Wow that was really amazing. TBU is trying to teach me tricks too but they aren't as exciting as that ... boring stuff like "pick up the poo" & "clean the car"!!!

It ain't working!



Joe Stains said...

You are SO smart. You are going to end up with an Academy Award with that one for sure! What happens if you get to star with Brad Pitt or George Clooney!?!

Unknown said...

amber.. you are the best dog actriss in the world

you have somethig to you in our blog with love

Kapp pack said...

You are such a superstar!

Puppy slurps, Canyon

Daisy said...

Bravo! Bravo! You are a very, very convincing actress. I am so impressed!

the many Bs said...

hi Amber, we are totally impressed. your mom is so good at teaching you all of these tricks. you are an excellent actress.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Amber!
You are sooooo good!
Your new trick is great! Even if I don't like to see you sad!
Kisses and hugs

Girasol said...

You learned so quickly Amber, that's amazing!

Hero said...

Wow! That was one performance deserving of an Oscar. Can't wait to see your next trick! It's so impressive how many tricks you know!

Georgeous said...

You are very clever at tricks Amber, i hope to be as good as you one day!
Now tell me, I'm curious - is that Tiggers bed OR your chair. Mumma seems to thinks you curl up and sleep in it and it's your bed?

Love n lickies

Thor and Jack said...

You are so talent, Amber! Another great trick! We´re impressed!

Love and licks

Myeo said...

You are so good.. We bet you will become an actress soon.

boy n Baby

Dandy Duke said...

We're so glad that you're not really sad, Amber! You are so smart!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

☮momoKo said...

Hi!I like your smiling face very much.

Dino and Family said...

Woohoo! Amber! You are very clever and Mom is a talented trainer!

Almighty King King said...

Mummy say you look so cute while u are in the sad position.. lol great job!

Luc and Remy said...

Amber, we can't wait to see you in the movies! You are a pawsome actress! Sssaaaaddddd. Wow!

parlance said...

You will be starring in films soon, I think! What a great trick.

The Zoo Crew said...

You sure do know some amazing tricks!

Puggle Preston said...

hahaaa..that is sooo funny, Amber-mae. You are amazing.


jaffeboy said...

U R a super star!!! Can I get a pawtograph?