My Loyal Followers

February 9, 2008

Got Milk?

According to some studies, milk helps to develop bones & build muscles. Staying active, eating right & drinking 3 glasses a day of fat free milk helps you look great. Don't think 3 glasses a day is really that necessary for me coz I think I look great already!

Here's Got Milk signature milk-moustache...

To stay healthy, drink a glass of milk a day... Hey, you wee pups out there, keep drinking milk aight? Wait, is that a dead fly at the bottom of it? Eeeeew!

But if you want to be healthier, eat more broccolis till you can't stop farting! Heeheehee...*snort*

And then after the hard work of posing for the camera, I get some freeze dried liverables! Mmm, I LOVE it!

Gong Xi Fa Cai & Happy Chinese New Year to you all! Hope you all are having a great year soooo far!


parlance said...

Happy Chinese New Year, Amber-Mae and all your family. Lots of people here in Melbourne have been celebrating, also. It's nice to enjoy everyone else's celebrations as well as your own, isn't it?

BrandytheGreat said...

HAppy CNY Amberrr!! Hope you have a great time! We love milk too!!

Dexter said...

You almost look like you have suds with your milky face. Yum!


Mack said...

That's the cutest milk moustache I have ever seen!

Daisy said...

You look very adorable with that milk moustache! Milk and broccoli is very good for you.

Weeny&Daisy said...

Happy Chinese new year! You look so cute posing with the milk and the broccoli!

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

Duke said...

Happy Chinese new year, Amber! Are you doing commercials for TV? Love that picture of your milky moustache! hehehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Boo Casanova said...

mom tried feeding me milk some time ago. nope. don't like it!

happy chinese new year to you.

wet wet licks


Sami & Baylee said...

I love milk too..yummy but not those annoying flies!

Kisses & Licks, Sami

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i wonder what type of milk r u drinking...i tot doggie are lactose intolerance...

the many Bs said...

Hi Amber Mae, we love your milk moustache. that's a pawsome look for you! you are a very healthy dog - eating broccoli and drinking milk. we get yogurt. it's like half milk, half ice-cream, but healthy too! we still haven't tried broccoli yet, but we're going to cuz you said it's good!


Maya and Kena said...

Hi Amber Mae!!
Great pics! We've never tried milk before, but it looks good!!
BOL about the broccolis!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Harry said...

Happy Chinese New Year. You wear that milk moustache well.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Kodak the Eskie said...

Oh Amber Mae! I love your milk mustache! Looks like you enjoyed the Chinese New Year.

Hugs, Clive's Mom

Kodak the Eskie said...

Oh Amber Mae! I love your milk mustache! Looks like you enjoyed the Chinese New Year.

Hugs, Clive's Mom

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Amber!
Happy Chinese New Year!
I love milk too! Today I ate broccolis! Very good!


Agatha and Archie said...

Happy New Girl!!! We LOVE your milk moustache!!!! Love A+A

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Amber, Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family. Love the milk moustache! Jx

Lorenza said...

Hi, Amber!
Happy Chinese New Year to you and all your family!
I like your milk moustache!
Milk and flies! Do you think is a good combination??
Yesterday I ate a fly... maybe now I need some milk!
Kisses and hugs

Rudy said...

Oh I know we drink milk around here. If Mom leaves her cereal bowl where we can get to it, somebody's going to drink up the leftover milk...

Yeah, I know this will be a great year, it being Year of the Rat. It's every terrier's favorite year! (mmmm me love RATS) Mom even ordered herself a YOTR T-shirt from someplace in Hawaii. It's VERY cool.


Noah the Airedale said...

Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family Amber-Mae. I'll drink a glass of milk to your good health.


Dolly & Zoopy said...

We get loose stools from we are not fed anything with milk (such as cakes, ice-cream, etc)..

Do you really fart from eating broccoholi?

Dolly and Zoopy

Par said...

I was told milk wasn't good for pups...
but I guess it depends...
Your having a healthy meal!

Sharon said...

Rusty says: I love the picture of you with a milk moustache. The milk people should pay you to model for them. Your pictures are always so cute. You are a good dog!

Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family! You guys rock.

Girasol said...

Thanks for the advise about milk and greens, yeah! we need to eat healty stuff.
Happy Chinese New Year!

Jan Price said...

Hmmmmm. That looks like skim milk. If it is, you got cheated. You've got to have the good stuff with all the calories in it or it isn't good for you. But maybe if you dip the broccoli in it.....

jans funny farm

Ripley said...

Congratulations, Amber-Mae! Look at all the exciting things that have happened to you since my last visit about 2 weeks ago. You're famous again, you won some more awards in a dog show, and you discovered broccoli and milk! So cool!

powder-puff said...

Hey Amber Mae!!

I love that picture of you with your milky mustache!!

Peace out

Ben & Darling said...

Amber, you can go for the Milk advertisement now.

Kirby said...

Love the milk mustache, the Milk people should hire you for their Ads!

Your pal,

Joe Stains said...

We looove broccoli, its the best, and gives us the best gas.

B said...

Your pretty good looking with your milk mustache. I've kinda got a everlasting one so I doubt you could see the milk to good. Keep eating that broccoli - I've never tried it. But maybe I will now.

Puppy Licks

Koobuss said...

You are right, Amber. You do look great!! You don't need any milk or any of that other healthy stuff.

Happy New Year!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hope you had a pawsome chinese new year Amber. Ew on the fly in the milk

~ Girl girl

Bella said...

Happy CNY to you all - my vote is for the liver treaties !!! yummy

Dexter said...

Hey Amber-Mae

I was watching the AKC agility competition last night and it made me think of you. Bet you're a real beauty running those agility courses.


Unknown said...

Hi Amber,
You should be on t.v. with that cute milk mustache! Then you'd have lots of money for buying all the toys you want!

Eeeeew, the fly is gross!

You are such a good girl to hold still for your mom so she can take those photos. I can't hold still that long :)

little Behr Behr :)

Xsara and Tani said...

Happy new year, Amber and family :)

umekotyan said...

Good evening amber.
The beard of milk is lovely.
As if, as it is a baby.
And, amber like broccolis. :)

from loved ume tyan

Unknown said...

amber, darlin..
do you drink milk????
wow.. you are cat not dog :)

Snowball said...

Happy Lunar New Year, Amber.

You look so cute with that milky moustache. hee...


Fred said...

I luvs milk! But you can't see me mustache because I is already white! heehee

Randi said...

Hi Amber!

You are such a healthy girl! Good job drinking milk & eating your brok-a-lees....I'm eating carrots 3x a I'm not sure how much more healthy food I can ingest..

My mom/secretary/photographer did get a new camera...its a Nikon D40X with 2 zoom lenses...she's still figuring it all out...but I must admit..I look FANTASTIC in all the photos..

Love & Licks,

ps..what does your mommy/photographer use to capture all the beauty shots of you?

Juno said...

Amber!! That is realy a cute milk-moustache. :) After three glasses of milk and brocolli we can stay healthy and look great like you and be smart like you.......(we're writing memo.)

You might have noticed already but you're awarded by us. Please accept "E" award! :)

Momo & Pinot

Lizzy said...

HA! Amber-Mae, you just look too funny with that milk mustache! Hee hee.

Enjoy your milk and broccoli now!


Lenny said...

Happy Chinese New Year, Amber!

Your friend, Lenny

Unknown said...

Happy Chinese New Year!!! You are such a healthy girl, with a great body :) You should be on the 'Got Milk' billboards!!!


Sofia said...

She is just adorable! So cute!!!

Ferndoggle said...

Happy Chinese New Year Amber! I don't need to eat broccoli to fart. I fart on my very own.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


Milk...broccoli,brocolli,brocali, um...BROK A I can't spell...but the point is:


Not that we three have anything against veggies...we eat all of them.

BUT...we'd never admit to it.

Or maybe we just did.


L said...

BLU's mouth always looks like your milk mustache, but that's because she is getting old and gray.

Hope you had a great Chinese New Year and the broccoli didn't make you fart too much!

Helena said...

That is so healthy!!!
Well done ... you´re better than me! Yes you are!!!

Huge love licks for you

CoCo said...

Amber-Mae, you always get to eat new stuff...especially good stuff that I will never get to eat. I'm envious of all your good tastings!

CoCo Puff

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Amber-Mae! you look fabuulous! we love milk ~ me (Crikit) permanent milk mustache 'au naturale' always hehe oh and we love the broccoli but bummer we don't get as much as you cos mommy has a sensitive nose and gets mad at me cos I save my toots fur when I'm with her... I don't understand what the deal is.

hmmm we don't get much milk either we must bow wow this with the mom gotta go Love Licks

Southbaygirl said...

I like your milk mustache!!!!! I still can't believe you like broccoli. Yucky! But the farts are funny


shushu, momo & kero said...

Gong Xi Fa Cai Amber-Mae, Chloe & Faith!!

Amber-Mae, you look great with the milk moustache! Hehe...we love milk and brocoli too....

chiyo said...

Xin Nian Kuai Le, Amber and family! :) hope you had a good time and a good holiday!

i love milk too but i don't get it often. will cheese do? i love cheese


Spencer said...

Happy CNY Amber! Hope you have a GReat yaer! I LOVE milk...I can't wait for it to hit my bowl and try to drink it as the humans pour it! Wanna have a farting contest? BOL!

andrahyb said...


Was it the Cheeeese...
Or REALLY the brocolis?

Rudolf + Goofy

Dolly & Zoopy said...

We are passing on the Valentine's tag to you.
Please visit our blog.

Hana said...

Have the milk people asked you to make a milk commercial for them?

Marla said...

I love your photographs. Gorgeous. Milk is yummy!

Kim said...

We have never had milk before, but we do love broccoli. My mom doesn't like the broccoli farts either, but us pups don't mind one bit.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You eat broccoli? What kind of doggie are you? That is much too healthy even with the farting. Nice to meet you! Do you like cats?