My Loyal Followers

February 5, 2008

Amber-Mae aka Broccoli Girl

Broccolis microwaved with butter & slices of cheese.

Guess what my mommy just discovered? Yeah, I like to eat broccolis! I've never eaten broccolis before but have eaten other vegeee-tables but I hated all of them! Just last week, my hooman M microwaved some broccolis for din dins (not for us, for them) & I was begging for some. Mommy gave me one piece & I grabbed it without even smelling it 1st. I do it all the time... She was expecting me to spit it out but I didn't. I chewed it & happily swallowed the whole thing down. Heehee! Here are some pictures she took that night...

I wanna wanna wanna!!!

Balance... balance...

I like to drink all the jooooces up! *slurp*

Please ma'am, I want some more...

The next day, guess what we got for din dins? Yeah, Chloe & I got a bowl of broccolis each! Faith likes it too but she's not that crazeee about it like us both. Mommy said, from today onwards, we're gonna have broccolis & only broccolis for din dins everyday si
nce we love it sooooo much! Indeed we love it.

The photoshoot was kinda looooong & Chloe started yawning...

Mmm-mmm-mmm! Praise the LORD!


Ferndoggle said...

How funny! I discovered last night that I like peas!! Who would've thought???

Anything covered in butter & cheese is OK with me.


Furkids in Hong Kong™ said...

You look like you really enjoyed your broccoli!

I'm sure your mom already knows this, but remember to not eat more than 5% in total of your diet as it contains the toxin isothiocyanate, a powerful gastrointestinal irritant which will cause you extreme pain. In very small amounts though, broccoli is healthy, not to mention yummy!

Take care!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Amber!
I did not know that you don't like veggies! Well, maybe I should say you didn't like them! I eat them everyday at noon! Yummy!
Kisses and hugs

Deefor said...

I like anything that comes from the table! That broccoli stuff looks good. Specially the cheese. I just noticed that you're a whole day ahead of us here in the US.


Duke said...

Mom and dad had broccoli in their salad tonight and we got to have a taste too! Funny - we ate the same food for dindin, Amber!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

omdog I LOVE BROCCOLI!! I like it raw and it makes me fart!

Sami & Baylee said...

Hi Amber,
You must be so healthy eating those Broccolis! Maybe that is why you have such a pretty smile!
My sis the st. bernard luvs those things too but look out from behind when she eats them...I mean she lets of a big stink bomb that will clear the room! Hehehehe I love cheese but no Broccolis for me please!

Luv your pal Sami

Lacy said...

woofies Amber-Mae and Sistas...anythin wiff butt and cheese has to b yummmmys....u need to trwy hot dogs too, now dey r really yummy....

b safe,

Luc and Remy said...

Yea! You ate all your veggies! Good girls!

Helios said...

are you gonna become vegetarian?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That looks yummy. So you doggies are only eating broccolis now?

~ Girl girl

Niamh said...


I've never eaten broccoli but I do like zucchini, string beans and pumpkin. Lettuce is boring, Even if it is on a hamburger I won't eat it.

Your friend,

Huskee and Hershey said...

I like broccolis too!! (and pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, etc)..
So are u on a vegetarian diet?
Cheese is heavenly too.. esp melted ones..

BrandytheGreat said...

Broccoli gurl!

I only like the cheesy, buttery part! Hee hee!!

BrandytheGreat and Gang.

L said...

I love broccoli, and BLU hates it. That means more for me!

sharkgila said...

Yummmy!!!! I love carrots. I wonder if carrots will taste better with butter and cheese. Hmmm...


Unknown said...

Hmmmm. I'm not sure I want to eat anything green. I'll have to think about that.

My mom gives me dehydrated veggies mixed in my kibble (Force, by Honest Kitchen), and that's okay 'cause it doesn't look all green. Maybe when I get a little bigger I'll try the broccolis, tho, so I can be pretty like you.

Behr Behr

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh no Amber Mae, I don't think I would eat that. I don't like vegetable, any vegetables. I'm a meat man, oh I lie, I like sweet potato.

Hugs and tail wags

Simba and Jazzi said...

You certainly eat well in your house.

Simba x

Harry said...

I'm not sure I could share your enthusiasm for brocolli Amber Mae, but you do a very good job of promoting it!

Toodle pip
Harry x

parlance said...

Penny likes broccoli, too, but she has it raw. We put it through a juicer (a masticating juicer, that breaks the cell walls in vegetables and fruit). She only has a little, mixed with other vegetables and fruit. It's interesting what 'furkids in hong kong' said about not eating too much.

Thor and Jack said...

Hey Amber! I love all the food human! Those broccolis with butter and cheese look yummy!

Love and licks

Dexter said...

Brocollis are great! Glad to see you eating your vegies. How do you ever balance that on your nose? You are so talented!


Girasol said...

I happy to hear that you like green stuff too...I love broccoli too! I don't like mushrooms.

Daisy said...

Hmmm. The cheese and butter looks good, but the broccoli does not look very delicious. It seems very healthy though, so I am glad you like it. That broccoli-balancing is a good Circus Stunt!

SotongFurkids said...

This is part of our daily diet ! Mum says it is good for us and we love it too !
Twister & Furby

Maya and Kena said...

Oooh! We've never tried any veggies before!! They look good!!
We love your pictures!!
Oh, and here are some treats for you guys from our new jar! *hands over a pawful of treats*
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Mack said...

You must be one healthy lady, eating all those bwocollis. I really don't like too many veggies. Or fruit for that matter.
Except for pineapple. yum.

Juno said...

Our pawrents love brocollis so we eat it often. We're glad you discovered a new thing you love! :)

Ok... now we're hangry!!!

Momo & Pinot

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i'm never a vegetarian...does that brocolli really taste nice... i heard money loves them too...

Fred said...

Yum! I likes spare-uggas (I think Old Girl calls it asparagus). heehee

Asta said...

Bwoccoli is sooo good fow's a good thing you like'we all going to be supew healthy!
smoochie kisses

Asta said...

Bwoccoli is sooo good fow's a good thing you like'we all going to be supew healthy!
smoochie kisses

snoutbeagle said...

DIESEL: "Broccoli, yuck!! Give mine to Marvin. I'll take his chicken treats though!

MARVIN: "I love broccoli and green peppers and red peppers and carrots! I'll eat them all AND my chicken treats!

Thank you for adding us to your list of doggy friends, that was very nice! Diesel is going to his very first agility class tomorrow night so we'll see if he likes it as much as Marvin. They both have fun on our practice jump and weaves at home though!

Wags and licks,

Sugar the Beagle said...

Hi Amber-Mae,

I would love butter and cheese too, but the Doctor has ordered me to loose weight as I am overweight!!!

How sad can that be!!!


Furkids in Hong Kong™ said...

Broccoli is toxic!

Goodness gracious, I'm quite worried that so many doggie friends are eating this.

As I mentioned already, remember to not eat more than 5% in total of your diet as it contains the toxin isothiocyanate, a powerful gastrointestinal irritant which will cause you extreme pain. In very small amounts though, broccoli is healthy, not to mention yummy!

Please be careful!

Ben & Darling said...

Oh Brocolli!!! We love it sooooooooooooo much!!!! Mom crazy bout it...I hope I have it during this CNY, everyday too.

Happy Chinese New Year !!!

Lizzy said...

Mmmm, that broccoli looks delicious! I love broccoli, too!

I like that last photo of Chloe yawning. I hope you girls got lots of broccoli after that long photoshoot!


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hello Amber!

How funny, I do not like any vegetables at all but I adore broccolli - but I cannot spell it!!!!!

I get some mashed up in my food and it is yummy.

Apparently it is very good for us Dogs and our digestion.

love and yummy licks, Marvin xxxxx

Furkids in Hong Kong™ said...

Thank you for visiting us at our blog and leaving us the comment. I'll answer both on our blog, and on yours.

But before anything, we'd like to wish you and all your loved ones and blog friends a very Happy Chinese New Year!

Thank you for showing concern about the truth behind the toxicity of broccoli. That indeed is a good thing for all dog lovers.

It is interesting that our experiences differ so greatly. While your research online came up with no articles, our simple google and yahoo search for 'broccoli toxic to dogs' came up with several pages. Maybe you could try this under this same search term.

But back to broccoli. It has been found and determined that the specific toxin in broccoli is isothiocynate. In order for the researchers to isolate this specific ingredient, as well as the the specific feeding ratio before ill-effects occur, surely could not be hearsay or guesswork on their part. Broccoli toxicity has been noted in livestock. Apparently in California it is widely available at certain times and the dairy cattle there are fed broccoli due to this. If the percentage of broccoli in the diet exceeds 10% it can cause gastrointestinal upsets and if it exceeds 25% it is fatal. Of course, as I had previously mentioned, broccoli in quantities right for the size and weight of a specific dog is beneficial since it contains bioflavinoids, but, as with both human and animal, an excess of any food, vitamin or mineral can be detrimental their health and even deadly.

On to grapes. Here's an excerpt you may be interested in. Note the food to weight ratio.

'Recently, there was a letter in the AVMA Journal from Dr. Gwaltney-Brant and others at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center discussing grape and raisin poisoning in dogs. Apparently, grapes and raisins can be toxic to dogs when ingested in large quantities.
The grapes and raisins came from varied sources, including being eaten off the vine directly. The dogs exhibited gastrointestinal signs including vomiting and diarrhea and then signs of kidney failure with an onset of severe kidney signs starting about 24 hours after ingestion of the grapes or raisins. The amount of grapes eaten varied between 9oz. and 2 lbs., which worked out to be between 0.41 and 1.1 oz/kg of body weight. Two dogs died directly from the toxicity, three were euthanized due to poor response to treatment and five dogs lived. Due to the severity of the signs and the potential for death, the veterinarians at the poison control center advocate aggressive treatment for any dogs suggested of ingesting excessive amounts of grapes or raisins, including inducing vomiting, stomach lavage (stomach pumping) and administration of activated charcoal, followed by intravenous fluid therapy for at least 48 hours or as indicated based on the results of blood tests for kidney damage.

I have fed my dogs a few grapes every now and then for years, so I don't think there is a need to panic if a dog eats three or four grapes but if the whole bunch is missing from the table one day, it would be good to think about watching for any signs of a toxic reaction.'
Michael Richards, DVM

It is unfortunate that I have not come across grape skin being toxic, and not the grape flesh itself. Perhaps you could share with me the source of this information?

I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with the comment you made, "You know, what is good for hoomans, is good for doggies too."

Macadamia nuts are healthy to humans (as are most nuts), but 2 or 3 is ample to kill a small sized dog.

There are others too, that are good for humans but not necessarily for dogs, such as Avocados (which can cause fluid accumulation in the chest, abdomen and heart).

Onions and Garlic, whose sulfoxides and disulfides is known to damage red blood cells, causing anemia. (Garlic less toxic than onions and will require a large dosage to be lethal).

There are others of course. All that I've mentioned above are listed in, for example, the Animal Poison Controls known list of death and illness in pets, ASPCA.

It is good that you've questioned the authenticity of this article, as it has given me an opportunity to triple-check with all the resources and guidelines I have received from the vets from our SPCA, as well as the HKKC (and AKC and The Kennel Club since the HKKC is affi'd to them). It is only good that I am completely sure that all my information is up-to-date, or else I would not have been allowed nor approved to teach on behalf of the HKKC in the past, for our SPCA in the recent past, or now, with my next class this Sunday for a different organisation.

It is clear to me that you love all your furkids, as do we, and giving what's best to them is naturally what we all want.

Sorry for the long post. If there's anything else you'd like to ask I'll try my best to help!

And once again, we wish you all a Happy New Year of the Rat.


Kodak the Eskie said...

I bet that cheese helps the broccoli go down!!

Clive's Mom

Kodak the Eskie said...

I bet that cheese helps the broccoli go down!!

Clive's Mom

Katie said...

We like veggies, but dehydrated ones. Our mom dehydrates sweet potatoes/yams for us all the time and we love 'em. do you like those?

Sharon said...

Rusty says: Your broccolis looks good! I like little baby carrots and mom lets me have those when she is fixing her lunch. Usually she won't let me have very much people food. I'm going to let her look at how much Amber likes and maybe she will let me try some!

Agatha and Archie said...

We LOVE brocolli but will have to look into the butter and cheese additions!! Love A+A

Sharon said...

Rusty says: Come visit me. I have something fun for you! and It isn't a tag!

Kirby said...

Hi Amber,

I love Broccoli too! In fact I like most fruits and vegetables. Mom and Dad think I'm a bit of a weird dog. He he! I'll have to chat with Mom about including butter and cheese. That sounds Yummy!

Your pal,

Amber said...

Happy Chinese new year Amber mae and family! I have not tried broccoli. But it look tempting with the utter and cheese! :p

Amber :)

Jan Price said...

We woofies LOVE broccoli. We like most veggies.

jans funny farm canines

powder-puff said...

Hey Amber-mae!!!

Broccoli Hmm i have never had it!

Have a great week!!


Puggle Preston said...

Yum Yum! I love broccoli too! I have to let mommy know some cheese with my broccoli would be even better! thanks for the idea!


Hammer said...

Hi Amber-Mae
Firstly, I apologise coz my mum said I'd answered all your comments, and I haven't. As I have said, my mum is in the Twilight Zone, and she is my typist !!!
First, I aint colour blind and I can fly the jet, no probs. I took Verdi to Tibet as well as flying all around the world. You wanna come for a ride with me ?
Second, Powder-Puff and me aint getting married yet coz we haven't even been on our first date yet. As I said, I'm just a romantice sorta bloke.
Third, I don't agree with the negative comments made about broccoli. I eat it all the time and so does Hobson and Rose and mum. Dr Richard Pitcairn is an holistic vet in America and he includes broccoli as a recommended vegie in the natural diet for dogs. Mum doesn't give our vegies to us raw, except for carrot, coz we don't like them raw. She steams them quick with olive oil (very good for dogs) and a little water. Tell your mum not to just give you broccoli though, you need a variety and vegies either needed to be steamed or pulped if given fresh, except for carrots.
Love from Hammer

umekotyan said...

Good evening amber。
Is wonderful Chinese New Year spent?
It must be so.
And, butter and the cheese of the broccoli food us.
It is delicious. :)

from loved ume tyan

the many Bs said...

Hi Amber Mae, that broccoli looks yummy. we are going to ask our mom if we can try some. we like spinach that is prepared the same as your broccoli, so we think we would like broccoli too. thanks for the good idea. we're always looking for new yummy foods to eat.


Dexter said...

Amber-Mae you still eatin' that brocolli? Watcha been up to? Working on a new routine?


Par said...

Ohh yum yum!

CoCo said...

Amber Mae, my mama said that broccoli and anything in the cabbage family gives the humans bad stinky gas. Does it give you stinky gas? That butter juice sure does look yummy!


Casper and pals said...

Yummy - we want to try sope broccolis too, especially with the sauce!

Casper, Buddy and Nikki,

Chinook said...

wow those look good! especially the sauce. *drools.

Lotsa licks,

Southbaygirl said...

Wow Amber I can't believe you like broccoli-I've never tried it!!! Maybe I should have my mom make it.

I love every day that mom is at home. I do like sundays as well because I get to go herd my sheep!!


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hi Amber-Mae & sissies we caught up on your bloggie since we've put behind us the 2-weeks of drama days of daddy being gone.

We prefer frozen green beans but brocc with cheese & butter sounds delicious! And how kool you gotta your very own dog mobil, Hey we even saw Pacco in you news clippins how double kool. Congrats on all the good reviews!

Love Licks & waggin TX tails

Anonymous said...

My favorite veggie is green beans! Oh My! I love those little stringy greens! I also really like corn! I don't like broccoli...

Love, Hercules

PerfectTosca said...

You wear your broccoli very well! I like broccoli too. And carrots! I LOVE LOVE LOVE carrots. I get my own whole carrot all the time. I am an espert carrot shaver. Try it!

Clay's Mommy said...

You've been tagged! Come visit our blog for the info!

Abby and Jack

Weeny&Daisy said...

Hello! MM that broccoli looks delicious!

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Amber, J1 doesn't like brocoli cos she says it smells like pee. That means I've never tried it. Personally, I think that anything that smells like wee has GOT to taste great, right? J x