Wow, today was soooper doooper hot! We went for our training today & my mommy had a new Basic class. She made me down-stay on the grass but I was too active today that I refused to stay done for a loooong time. I mean tell me, which doggie in the world can down stay for one hour whole? Not me! So I've been getting up & disturbing other classes around & mommy got angry & gave me slap on the face but still, I disobeyed. Heeheehee, sorry mommy!Anyway, I received another barkday pressie last wee & it was from Verdi & Gaucho. Spain is very far away so it took more than three weeks to reach my home.
Here's the package all the way from Spain!
Doing my special shredding business first...
Okay done! Now let me check the goodies I got...
Oh no wait, pose first with the torn up package on my head...
Hey look, a cute card! Can you spot Verdi & Gaucho on it?
Look what they wrote inside! Aww, a hug a kiss kiss for me? Thank you boys & back to you!
Look what I got too? Strawberry flavored lollipoppies... Well, they don't actually taste like strawberry. They taste more like rawhide, hehehe!
Lollipop, lollipop, ooooh lolli lolli lolli, lollipop, lollipop!
But unfortunately, Faith & Chloe stole BOTH my lollipops & I only managed to get a stick back from Chloe's.
Another rope toy. The fifth now!
And another loverly collar! It's very nice & this will kept in the cabinet too for future use only...
Verdi & Gaucho, thank you sooo much for the great barkday pressie! The lollipop stick was yummy! And thanks to others who have also sent me pressies earlier on. I'm sooo greatful to be a member of DWB & meeting you all! Without you guys, my bloggy would have not been successful like now. So, thank you once again! Btw, all your cards have been mailed last Friday. Hope they will reach to your mailbox or doorstep safely...
Hi, Amber
Sorro your mom got angry with you! Looks like this time you wanted to be more participative!
You got great presents from Verdi and Gaucho! Those lollipops look yummy!
Have a nice day
HI Amber Mae, Benson is in doggy school and he has to learn how to do a 3 minute down stay. we are very very very very very impressed that you can (almost) do a down stay for one entire hour. isn't that an eternity???
you got a very nice barkday pressie and we love how you sang the lollipop song. your friends were naughty to steal them from you, but that's what happens with us dogs. we like your new collar too. it's very cute, just like you!
Hi Amber Mae
Thanks for dropping by at my blog, you're right I am lucky to have found a new home and I will be thinking about all those doggies yet to find a home and hoping they do soon.
Good luck with the training, I will drop by again to see how you're getting on.
Charlie Boy
How thoughtful of Verdi and Gaucho! Those rawhide lollipops look delicious and Mitch is oggling your rope toy - like he doesn't have enought already *eyeroll*
We can't wait to get your card! Ours is on it's way to you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Amber Mae, yours is the longest barkday celebration ever. Enjoy your pressies.
Hugs and tail wags,
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Hey Amber I don't blame you at all for not wanting to lay around for a full hour when you're out and about.
Love you in your new collar - suits you beautifully!
Wow your new tricks are so cool! Mommy is trying to get us to give our paw but we aren't getting it yet. We're gonna keep trying! Love your new collar too, so beautiful. We wish we lived closer to you so we could play! I hate the cold here and so does my momma.
hee hee lollies!!! yummy! do you lick them or crunch them? :p
Verdi has sent you some really nice rpessie. I love that collar.
what great presents, we like that collar a lot!
Hehe, you can't keep a good dog down!
Love your prezzies, especially that yummy looking lollipop.
Oh no, we hope the slap didnt hurt.
Those pressies are so cool!
Boy n Baby
Oh dear.. I'm sorry that your mom got angry with you. I'm sure you didn't mean it.
Those are nice gifts from Gaucho and Verdi. :)
~ Girl girl
nice pressie from verdi & gaucho. especially the collar. i like. so colourful!
wet wet licks
down-stay for one whole hour? without treats? how can anyone expect that to be possible? alamak!
amber.. which enjoyments with love
Great gifts Amber, you sure are a loved dog!
Love Clover xo
Yikes. I hate when my Mom is mad at me. She's never given me a slap though...thank DoG! I think I'd hide under the bed & never come out!
Your new collar looks fantastic on you. We have a cabinet of special occasion collars too!
Great Gifts, Amber-mae. Mommy haven't send the cards yet! Can you believe her? sigh..
I love your paw trick! and the dig trick is really good too. Your mom is really good when she teaches you all new tricks!
A slap to the face? You should train your Mom better. But then again, she does teach you all of those really neat tricks! That rope toy looks fun!!
Great pressies, Amber! I like the rope toy and the collar is perfect on you! Lollipops? YummmiE!
Love and licks
Those are great presents, Amber! That collar is so cool!
woofies Amber-Mae...wuz sooo nice u shareded wiff ur sistas...dat wuz weally nice of verdi and gaucho to send u dat barkday presssies and tweats...i shure u mommy no stay mad at u long, its hard to sit still fur an hour...
b safe,
Hey Amber, what lovely presents from Verdi & Gaucho. I posted your Xmas card last week, but I've no idea how long it'll take to get there!!! J x
I adore that colllar on you Amber! You look even more beautiful if possible.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
You really did open it didn't you!? What lovely gifts.
Simba xx
Wow, you really have wonderful friends sending you all this incredible presents! The collar is beautiful!
What a lucky puppy. You sure got some cool barkday presents!
Amber!! That strawberry candy looks so yummy!!!!! It must taste good. You-lucky girl!!! :)
Momo xoxo
Nice shredding there. I like those lollipups. Hope the stick tasted good. You are really a super model!
Happy belated barkday Amber Mae. you sure have received some great gifts.
i like the lollies too! bummer Chloe & Faith got to them 1st!
Hey Amber,
Those lollies look really good. was nice of you to share. :)
Amber-Mae -thanks for visiting our blog. We would love to have you as a new friend!
We thought being in a down-stay for 5-10 minutes was incredibly long torture. We can't even imagine a whole hour!
Hi Amber-Mae! Thanks for dropping by my blog and I am enjoying reading yours! I am thrilled to become your new buddy - thanks for listing me. My mom is totally impressed with all of your tricks and is trying to figure out how to bribe me to do them. :)
Your friend, Lenny
Hi Amber, Verdi and Gaucho are sooooo Spanish Cool! We love em and your gifts are wonderful, love and licks, Marvin xxxx
hahah......u disturbing the students @ d training ground??
that's hilarious...
amber-mae d busydogy
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