My Loyal Followers

July 23, 2007

We are Winners! Yes we are!

Last night, we were invited by a friend for Bentley & Keyla's Hi-Tea Barkday pawty. We don't actually know them two but we went anyway to celebrate. We arrived there kinda late coz we were very exhausted after a looong day of training. But we did have four hour rest at home but for me, it wasn't enough. The other reason why we left late was also becoz of the rain. It started raining when we were at training around 9am & it lasted until midnight. And then today, it rained again... *sigh*

There were many doggies there but hardly any join the games...

Our friends were there too having fun...

Anyhoo, when we arrived there, we were JUST in time for the Best Tricks game & I knew this is not a game for me to miss out. So mommy & I quickly rushed in to join the game. Only four participants joined & they are me, Chloe, Faith & an
other doggie in dress.

When I performed, everybody applauded & there were pup-arazzis taking pictures of me performing, heeeheee! I did my new trick called the 'Flip' too. Ooooh, they loved it but unfortunately, mommy's head was blurr at that time & she didn't make me perform other tricks that I'm also good at. Chloe performed the 'Sit up' trick & 'Weave'. Faith on the other hand, did performance but my hooman's commands were sooo strict & firm, Faith freaked out & got scared a bit, it was so funny! I can't really remember what the other dog did coz we were sooo rushed & we were all confused! Aaaaaand as predicted, I WON 1st place & Chloe won 3rd place! The prizes are sooo cool! Yeeehaw! I'll show you guys later...

Me & Chloe resting after the games...

Faith looking all blurr blurr as usual, don't know what's going on around her.

Then Faith & I joined the Longest Sit Stay game. Faith actually stayed still without moving anywhere but me & my friend Scruffy went down. And we two ar
e highly trained dogs. Ooopsy! But anyway, I was kinda tired after training so I considered that as a good excuse to go down & sleep on a nice cold floor. But I did get 2nd placing & won one of those drinking bottles. I'm proud of Faith for winning 1st place! This is her 1st time winning 1st place in any games. (Boo, you should be proud of her too...)

Then the last game, Faith & mommy entered together called the Dog & Owner look-a-alike. But they both didn't win anything but my friend Scruffy did! He & his owner are good partners! They both had the same cute faces too! After all the games finished, the birthday dogs sang their barkday songs & we all get a piece of their delicious moist liver carrot cake, yuuuuummy! We also got to eat some hooman food!

Looks delicious right? It was delicious!!!

Then each of us had a our pictures taken by a photographer. He said he'll send the pictures to my mommy's email but he hasn't today. We just have to wait for them, can't wait to see them! Bet they'll turn out nice.

Next, we headed to Plaza Damas to have a drink & chill out. We didn't get any drink, crap! But luckily we got to sleep under the air-conditioner, heeeheee! Then later, we went to the Pet Store to buy some stuff. And when I entered the pet store, something caught my doggie nose senses. Nope, not the treats, not the toys. These stuffies!

Or should I call them fluffies? What are those???

Oh wait! Is that you Girl Girl??? No, it can't be you coz you live on the other side of the ocean & no way you're that big.

Mommy said that these fluffies are Guinea Pigs. Well, whatever they are, they sure smell good! Mmmmm...
Here's a video of my mommy chasing Faith around the pet store while I'm still watching over those pigs...

Still starring...

Okay okay, after that mommy was kind of hungry & so we went to a Korean Restaurant to have our din dins. Well, not really ours, theirs actually. And don't worry my friends, they didn't cook us! This Korean Restaurant is SAFE, I think. This is what they ordered...
This restaurant is called Sa Rang Bang. What ever that means! Hope it didn't mean, Eat Dog Stew. Oh, for the love of God!

These are the side dishes they ordered... Yucks! Too much veggies for my taste.

And this... Smelled good! We got to eat some of this.

But oh noooo... I'm sure you guys recognize this trick.

And THIS! Mmmmm-mmm! But sadly, we didn't get any of it... But I got the bone, lucky me!



Chloe got the corn...

Crunchy sweet corn! She loved it...

Burrrp! That is all a dog needs to satisfy its hunger... *Poot!* Ooopsy I had a poopsy! Heeeeheeee...

Okay now, time to show you all our pressies! Here they are...

All together we got two beds & two drinking bottles! The beds are sooo comfy but I don't like beds that much so Faith can have them both! Aaaand the drinking bottles? Errr, just keep them for future purposes. Nice aren't they!? Hehehehe...

Have a great day everydoggies & GG!


Kien said...

oh my darling Amber.. u guys having such a great weekend.. i felt like jumping into the monitor and join u guys...

I think next week, i shall make my pity faces to mom so that she can bring me out to Plaza Damas for 'makan'again.... hehehe..

Golden Rossi

Anonymous said...

Wow Amber that sounds like a super busy and fun day!! I love the prizes you got too - congratulations!!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Ah.. yummy korean food. Now my human is drooling... The fluffy sure looks cute, did it say Hi to you?

~ girl girl

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Amber,
I REALLY like Faith and her blur blur look... she is so pretty!
Congrats on your prizes!

Balboa said...

WOW, all that attention, treats, and food. YOu are so cool, and you can run around the pet store without a leash, I should be more like you, but I like being bad.

Hee hee
Frenchie Snorts

Myeo said...

That sounds like a fun-filled day you had. The Korean food look so yummy.

Boy n Baby

Johann The Dog said...

Wow, what a great day!!! We had a great weekend too. Sounds like you are very good at tricks, maybe you could teach me some, woof!

Thanks for stopping by my Rescue Me blog. Stop by my other one sometime and say woof, k?


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

What a lovely weekend you had Amber!

I am so sorry that your Mum's head is a blur though, I hope she gets better very soon.

I like those new beds, I have one like that we use it when I go visiting other folk's houses.

Your food looked yummy too.

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

ooooh meant to say, just watched your video too, that was a fun chase in the pet store! he he he he!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Amber.
What a day you had! Training, going to a party, winning contests (I knew it, you are the best doing tricks!), going to a pet store and having delicious dinner!
Sure you ended your day being pretty tired!
Have a nice day

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Congrats to you for your wins! Those beds look nice, but like you I kind of prefer sleeping on the floor!

Oscar x

Dandy Duke said...

What nice prizes! I guess it pays to know all those tricks, huh! Your dindin looks so yummy!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said...

Wow! It looked like you guys had a GREAT time! All those prizes and food!

Amber said...

I 'm sure you 3 are the smartest in the pawty. The prizes are great, looks comfy. They got great food too. You had Korean food? Lucky you!! They allowed dogs? Which korean restuarants???

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow what a day for you guys. And horray for Faith!!! You always win things Amber so we expect it of you...but that is wonderful about Faith...and she won something that she likes!!! And all that food looked so yummy!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Putter said...

What a day Amber! So many foods to choose from ... So tasty!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Juno said...

Amber, the foods you tried look so good. I have to come see you!

Momo xoxo

Sir Chance-Lot said...

Oooooo. I just spent half hour looking at ALL the posts you have done lately, and I always LOVE to read and look at all the great pics
of you, Faith and Chloe. My mamma said she wants to move in with your mamma...cause she loves food alot too, just like us.
My mamma said to tell you she will work on a NEW pic of you very soon.
Lovelicks and tailwaggins
Sir Chance-Lot

kaui said...

hey amber! cool presents you got! Anyways, my mom wanted to tell you that korean resturant called sa rang bang means "love room". hehe just in case if you wanted to know! have a good day!

Boo Casanova said...

hey amber-mae, nice bed! nowadays, i sleep in the air-cond room with mom and dad. i used to be barking mad in my old condo but now, i sleep like a baby. kekekeke. probably bcoz of the a/c. the bed that i had was under utilised before this but with the a/c, i am fully utilising it. it's cold! but i like it.

where was the pawty? a house or a restaurant? it looks like a restaurant.

wet wet licks


Urban Smoothie Read said...

wah...all 3 of u took part in it!
i bet ur family stealling all d limelight..

n amber u got 2 spend another trip @ d restaurant wit all those delicious food....oh, tat looks really yummy..

n owner really loves ur bedding....she thought of buying 1 for me....but they r all too expensive...

Lizzy said...

Wow, looks like you had an awesome time at that party, eh? The food looks so gooooood!

I liked the video, hehe.


chiyo said...

that is such an awesome birthday party! i never attended such a well-organised and full-of-prizes birthday party!!! hee hee great work all of you, the beds look very comfy :)

HM loves korean food too, especially the barbequed stuff. the meat looks extremely good :p


Joe Stains said...

congrats on your winnings, you got some awesome prizes. Mom loved the food pictures!

Simba and Jazzi said...

What a great day out. The fluffies look yummy, cute, sorry, cute.

Simba xx

Bella said...

Whew what a great time out - it must have been a really exciting day & to meet little FuFu/GirlGirl look-a-likes what fun.

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Amber,

What a gweat gathering of dogs and fun and food!

xxx Asta down under

fee said...

wow, what a long long party! was that an otak or some sort of korean pancake on your nose? i think the 'Eat Dog Stew' is called poshintang in korean. apparently, cats are eaten there too – goyangi. yikes! these people should grow a million ticks and die!

ooops... was i overreacting? i'm glad the restaurants outside korea don't serve us, literally.


Ricky Pepper said...

What a super good time!

Looks like you have so much fun!


Ferndoggle said...

Whew! I'm tired from just reading about your day. I don't know too many tricks but I would have definiately won the fastest eating contest.


wally said...

Ooooh--that looks like a fun day! I think I could give Sherman a run for his money in the fastest eating contest. And I"ll eat your veggies for you, Amber!


ps. Mitt is running for PRESIDENT. Can you believe it? Sadly, there is no "smartest candidate" competition to knock him out of the race. :)

Tadpole said...

Whoa - I KNEW you'd win, Amber - you're so GOOD!

Pretty nice presents too... too bad you don't like beds. They should have taken you out for your OWN dinner at that restaurant!

Clover said...

Hi Amber,
Sounds like you girls had such a fun time!! Good going on your awards!
Love Clover xo

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Amber, congrats on your victory! Nice food, I'm feeling kind of hungry now! J x

The Airechicks said...

Wooh....Congrats on wins ...

Look's like you had a fun filled weekend....

Nice prizes....

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Amber,
I bet the crowd enjoyed your performance. :) Next time ask your mommy to standby some tricks to perform anytime anywhere. LOL!
That bed looks comfy! I wouldn't mind....PS : My Mom loves korean food too! :)

Ben & Darling said...

Morning *muah* amber darling. No raining today !! YEepee!! Oh that award is for amber little chihuahua coz you edy have it...ehehehe.

Oh I love those FOOD. You all should post more FOOD on blog. Slurp~~

Rose said...

Looks like you and your friends had a really great time. It's nice when our folks have parties just for us puppy dogs.

Rusty & Smoky

ToFFee said...

You sure had a fun fun time! I'm glad you meet many doggies out there.

I'm sure they were awed by your talents! Those prizes are the best!

Fluffy? how come they are called guinea pigs? do they make oink oink at you??? are they nice?

those food looks yummy! I'm drooling!

Weekend is tomorrow for me! I hope to have lotsa fun!


Stanley said...


Looks like you all had a cool day! I can't even begin to keep up with your social schedule!

Give some goober kisses to Faith for me for her big WIN!! Let me know when they have their next dog pawty - I've never seen such great prizes and so much food before!!

Goober love,

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Congrats on your winning ways! Loved the video of Faith outsmarting your mom in the pet store. Amber - great entry in Nanook's contest!