My Loyal Followers

December 10, 2006

Orientation & Graduation Day

Amber holding her cert...And Faith received nothing.
Oh look at her sad face.

Today is the day where Amber will receive her 3rd certificate & no medal again, how boring...I prefer medals & trophies than anything else honestly. I prepared a big rice pot of 'chao fan' (meaning fried rice in chinese) for everyone to eat & not to praise myself, but quite a number of people said that my chao fan was very nice. Hahaha, I & another friend of mine who also cooked fried rice challenged & most people went for mine. Wakakaka!!! I'm just glad that people ate my chao fan...

We even came prepared with our own plates, spoons, forks, paper cups & a bottle of coke. Anyway there wasn't much time for us to eat because the Graduation had started before anyone could even grab a plate. Finally Amber & I received the certificate and boy, wasn't I happy! So Amber's now officially an Intermediate!

It was great meeting new owners & dogs there. We really enjoyed ourselves! After the day finished, our dogs were let free to run around in the ring & not to mention, I'm now an assistant trainer for the Basic class. Isn't that great?!


Boo Casanova said...

congratulations amber girl. please give a hug and kisses to faith on my behalf.

wet wet licks


Amber-Mae said...

haha, amber & faith says thanks to you Boo! But Faith did go up to Novice but will have to resit for her exam in ten weeks time.

Unknown said...


Juz drop by to introduce everybody our newly launched "Z@@!"

It is a forum for ALL Pet Lovers, feel free to drop by ya?


Urban Smoothie Read said...

congratulation amber...

faith..don't worry ur owner is being upgrade to a trainer u will be top dog soon...

e said...

Congratulations but no worries, Faith. Keep on trucking.
Sounds like a fun day and event.

Welcome to Dogs with Blogs.
Fei & e