My Loyal Followers

June 27, 2011

Amber-Mae Is Now A New Malaysian Champion!!!!!!!

You've read the title right my friends! Melissa said she hopes to finish me at this show & she did! I am officially a new Malaysian CHAMPION!!! And I did not just get my

I also won Best Of Breed (BOB) over 9 other Goldens meaning, I was the best representative specimen of the breed among all the rest. I also got Reserve Best In Group (RBIG) which means I had to compete with the other breeds in the Gundog Group. I went against 2 imported, Multi-Champion Lab
radors & I won 2nd placing against one of them! AND the last thing I won was Best Malaysian Bred In Group!!! I was judged & awarded by Mr. Espen Engh from Norway. He has judged in 65 countries & will be judging at Westminster & Crufts Show sometime this year! It was such a great honor to be awarded by him & what a way to finish huh! Great day for both of us! Can we all say WOOT! WOOT!!


Kari in Alaska said...



Noodles said...

Amber Mae! That is so wonderful! That shows a lot of work and dedication from both you and your family. Way to go!!!
Love Noodles

jen said...

Woot Woot!
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you Amber Mae! that is just awesome! not only did you get your championship but you went BOB! WOW!!! and best bred by exhibitor! DOUBLE WOW! I bet your mom is beaming!
I am so excited for you!!

booahboo said...

Congrats to you Amber and Melissa... hehehhehee.. and i thought it was tomorrow that you are going for them judging :)

That sure is a hugeeeeeeeee stash of ribbons! You are even drooling.. heheheh.. Congrats! You sure am a class of your own! Beautiful beautiful.

Oskar said...

Wow what great victories for you! Now I can say I know a Champion!

Congratulations to you.

Nubbin wiggles,

Tanner and Beth said...

Way to Go, Dudette!!! I am just getting started and you are "finished". Pawsome work. You are beautiful!!!

Puppy Kisses,

Sierra Rose said...

Wow!! Bravo to all of you! Fantastic accomplishments!

Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose

Thor and Jack said...


Thor and Jack

houndstooth said...

Congratulations Amber! You must be really excited!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow Wow Wow WOW!!!!! Awesome news, Amber-Mae. Mega congratulations to you from all of us. We must say we are not surprised:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

CZYK Publishing said...


♥I am Holly♥ said...

Congratulations!!!!! Yay!!!! We knew you would win!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! THIS is just wonderful news!!!!

HH and The Boys said...

Yes.... can say "Woot, Woot" and a big Congratulations to you... That's a wonderful thing. How exciting for you. Oh and you look beautiful with all those ribbons... You wear them well.

pawhugs, Max

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

CONGRATS and cheers from all of us at Golden Pines!!!!!

3 doxies said...

HOLY CANOLI!!!!!! I am in total amazement...not, dat I didn't think it was possible but dis is so freakin' awesome!

A huge, ginormous Congrats to you and Melissa...well done girls!!!!


The Daily Pip said...

Congratulations! That's amazing!

Your pal, Pip

Duke said...

Congratulations, Amber-Mae! We are so very proud of you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Finn said...

Wow - congratulations to Amber-Mai and Momma!

My Mind's Eye said...

Mom and I send you our most sincere congratulations on your well deserved awards. What an amazing accomplishment. You are just as beautiful inside as your are outside!! Well done sweet friend
Your BFFF (best feline friend forever),
Madi hugs to Pumpkin too

Boondocks Love Shack Pack said...

Go Amber, go Amber, go Amber. You rock it, girl!!!

Boondocks and The Love Shack Pack

Maggie Mae and Max said...

YaY Amber!!! Girlfuriend, you ROCK!!!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

How Sam Sees It said...

Woot! Woot! Way to go, Amber Mae!


Asta said...

That is fantastic!!!!
Smoochie kisses

sharkgila said...

Congratulations Amber! That is just pawsome!

Togo, Tagar & Gamby

Niamh said...

Wow!!! Congratulations Amber-Mae. Of course all those honors are well deserved. You are so beautiful.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

Cinnamon and Mint said...

Congratulations, Amber-Mae!! I am so happy for you and your human!

Anakin Man said...

Those are beauTeeful ribbons-

IzZY, TriXie and Anakin Man

Meeka said...

Woot Woot!!
Congratulations to you and your hoomie.
I had no doubt you'll win.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



Scooter said...

MEGA Congrats Amber!!
That is just way cool and we are so happy fur you!! WTG Amber, I know you make your family PROUD as can be!!


ForPetsSake said...

Congratulations! You deserve it!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Amber! You look gorgeous!!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Amber-Mae, we are so proud of you! Huge congrats to you and Melissa! You deserve it!

Tommy (and the Gang)

parlance said...

A well-deserved win! Congratulations to both of you!!!

Anonymous said...

A big paws together congrats to y'all! Wahoo! Time to celebrate with gourmet nom noms yeah? :D

Waggin at ya,

Fred said...

Congratulations! We knew all along you were a champion!

Cowspotdog said...

That's our girl !!!!!!!!!! We are so proud of you - you did AWESOME !

Kess And Her Mama said...

Excellent work girl!

Remington said...

Congrats! Well done!

The Army of Four said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is just plain fantastic!!! HA ROOOOOO!
Play bows,

the booker man said...

i always knew you were top notch, though! teehee!

the booker man

Wrigley said...

Pawesome news! Congratulations on your awards.

Wags N Kisses,

Unknown said...

Holy schmolly I'm amongst greatness. Wow. BOB I thought was just someone's name!! Bowing to you! Muuaah congrats

Johann The Dog said...

Big, big congratulations!!! Pawsome accomplishment!

Maxmom said...

Heartiest congratulations! That's quite and achievement - a well-deserved one too.
Sending lotsaluv

Elizabeth Keene said...

Congratulations!!!!! Look at all that bling!

Suka said...

hey Amber-Mae,

Congratulations! WOOT WOOT! That is SO amazing and pawsome! Bravo to the beautiful Amber-Mae!!!

You look stunning with your wonderful awards! I am honored to know you and call you my friend! You rock!!

Woot Woot Amber-Mae!!!!


Infrequent Flyers said...

That's amazing! So happy for you. Of course, we know Amber deserved it!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Woot Woot indeed!! Congrats Amber Mae, you are a totally rad star!!!!
BRD & HOotie

Bailey Be Good! said...

Oh wowserz, congratulations Amber Mae!! Of course I had no doubt you would win. ;)

Woofs & hugs,

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Homer said...

Once again congratulations Amber-Mae and Melissa! We are so happy for you. Now you are the Malaysia Champion, what's next? SE Asia Champion? Let us know, we will be rooting for you!

Woot! Woot!


Scooter said...

Hey Amber!
Wow, a big CONGRATS to you for your amazing wins! Those ribbons are almost as pretty as you. I'm so excited for you. Great job!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

BZ Dogs said...

A big CONGRATS to you! I knew you could do it. :)

blogdog said...

Congratulations! That's quite an achievement, especially since you have to defeat so many other Goldens to win!

Juno said...

Wow, Amber!!! Congratulations! You're real real star!!

Momo & Pinot xoxo

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Your a beauty! Congratulations!

Augie and Ti's mom said...

Congrats!! Of course you won, though--those judges know a spectacular beauty when they see one!!

Diva LaVega said...

Hey there, Im new to this Blog Hop thing, but Im lovin it already. I love your Blog!

View My new Blog about my Chihuahua Puppy and her race in the Cutest Pups of July Contest at

Remember to Vote for DIVA at, every last vote is greatly appreciated!!

Raising Addie said...


Congratulations Amber-Mae!!!

You totally deserve it you gorgeous girl you!!

We are soooo happy that you like our new kitchen! We do love our new black fridge. We especially love that everyone will be able to our nose prints and paw prints on it :)

BIG Hugs & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

♥ Sallie said...

Yay! You rock!


Bailey Be Good! said...

Have a very happy and SAFE holiday!! :)

Woofs & hugs,

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Cheryl and Kirby said...

Congratulations on your big wins!!
That is awesome!


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Woot!! Woot!! We are so proud of you Amber Mae. Congratulations to you amd Melissa.

{{{huggies}}}....Mona & Weenie

George The Lad said...

Congratulations, wow I know a champion well done.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

The Thuglets said...

Huge Congratulations!

Welldone Ambee-Mae you are so clever.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Sprax said...

Hi Amber, thanks for visiting my blog again. Congrats to you. You look really awesome. The judge was right on. You are my dream girl!

FiveSibesMom said...

Congratulations!!!! That is such exciting news!!!

Shane Kent Louis said...

Congratulations Amber!!!!that was great! two thumps up for you! keep it up..:)Dog Fence

Lexi and Jasper the Danes said...

CONGRATULATIONS AMBER MAE!! What an awesome achievement, you totally deserve you are gorgeous :)

Licks and lots of slobber,
Lexi and Jasper the Danes

Unknown said...

Congratulation, Great Job! I'm sure your Mom is very proud of you :D

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

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World of Animals, Inc said...

Congratulations, Amber! You look gorgeous!!! The new bling is just so pawsome. We all here are so happy for you. Thanks for the share. Have a fantastic rest of your week.
World of Animals