My Loyal Followers

November 18, 2009

We Crave Blood

Our hoomies bought us some lip smackin' good delicious delicacy last evening - raw bloody imported Australian beef. Yes! Nowadays we get raw meat every once in a while as a supplement & as a treat. We do well on red meat but never on raw chicken for some strange reason. We do absolutely fine on cooked one though!

Look at how patient we were. And err...why was I facing the wrong way?
Watch us turn into vicious blood thirsty dogs...


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom says it was liking watching sharks get ready to feed!

I am now drooling!


Southbaygirl said...

Mom made me meat and chicken last nite-but it was was still tasty! But boy that looks good!!!



Zoey Kow said...

Yummy those look gooood, wonder if my hooman will get me some.


Anonymous said...

Hi Amber-Mae,

Your pups are cute:) I've been busy with a lot of different (and many not so good) events - so when I visited your blog after a long time today, I was surprised to know that you are now a mom:)


I am sure your pups will follow your pawprints:)

Licks n wags,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Phantom LOVES steak, but he has to have it cooked, he won't touch it raw.

The pups all look wonderful.

Woos, the OP Pack

Achieve1dream said...

Sheesh how do you keep them straight?? I know Amber, Chloe and River, but who are the other two Goldens?

Hero said...

That looks delicious! You all are so good at waiting politely. Tagpi often eats raw meat and meaty bones, but I'm a little picky with what I'll eat raw. I love raw liver and sometimes I'll eat raw meat.

Biggie-Z said...

MMMMMM. The puppies are SO big! I love beef, it's my favorite meat of all. I got a big smelly beef neck bone for breakfast today. Yummers!

The pup pups are so well behaved!!

Islay said...

You are all growing up so fast, and you are sooo beautiful! I have missed seeing you - now I have a very unreliable internet connection for the time being. Hope you get lots more meaty weekend!

lickies from Charlie's DogBlog

Duke said...

We were drooling watching the video! yummmmmmmmmmm

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Homer said...

Hello! Hello! Hello!

How are you doing? Man, the pups are so big and booti-ful! Oh my goodness! Look at River...gosh he's one dashing looking boy! Well done!


Joe Stains said...

Don't bite the hand that feeds you LOL!!

Niamh said...

I have left a puddle of drool on the computer keyboard from watching you go at it. Yummy!

Your friend,

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Yummy meat! I'm craving for some beef too...*licks lips* You all sure know how to appreciate fine cuisine! *grins*


Moco said...

That was quite the feast.

Yuki n Joyce said...

Hey! Hahah they are so obedient! and cuteee!

Mika said...

hehe.. I liked the picture of you facing the wrong way, it made you stand out in a crowd of dogs.

The raw meat looks so delicious! Poor Faith only got one chunk of raw meat.

Sir Chance-Lot said...

Oh My Amber...did you keep so many of your babies with you. I think thats fantastic!!!! I miss you, and promise I will try to stop by more :)
All my golden Love
Sir LovesAmberAlot

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

HIIIIIIIII Dear friends!!!
How are you?????
We missed you a lot!!!!
The pups are growing so fast.....and they are soooooooooooooo beautiful!!!!
We're drooling watching your video.....Sluuurrrppppp....gnam gnam gnam!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeee...can we come and eating with you next time????
Paco & Maya loved the raw meat but Milo eat meat only if it's cooked!!!.....
Hope to hear from you again very soon!!!!
We have thought to you every day!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!!

Huskee and Hershey said...

LOL!! Have you figured out why you were facing the wrong way?? You babies are so grown-up now... you must have been a wonderful mom to them!

Agatha and Archie said...

YUMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYY and you guys figured out if you spin you got more!!(or so it looked) Soo smart..we would have worked ourselves into more of a frenzy we A+A