My Loyal Followers

May 14, 2009

Stacking Pictures

Okay guys, I think it's time that the puppy posts are given a break. I want to show you all some loverly pictures of three of us stacking. It was taken when the professional photographer was here 3 weeks ago.

Here's me. My Mommy says I have a very nice structure, good head, deep chest & well balanced body except my topline(my back) has a slight dip right now after my pregnancy. It was caused by the weight of the puppers. With some good simple daily exercise, it should go back to normal I hope. Don't I look blossoming?

Here's Faith aka Malaysian Champion Reinken Twinkle. She looks good too. Mommy was pushing her tail so that she'll stretch forward but it didn't work. She just looks funny. Oh well, I think she still looks gorgeous. We all love her deep chest.

And this is Chloe. Doesn't she look magnificent? My Mommy never knew she looked this good. But I guess with the help of a good camera, good photography & with the correct angle, she can look pretty good. Mommy always thought her topline was sloping but it's not. It's just her fur that is bouncy which makes her topline look slightly sloping. Oh yeah, Chloe participated in The Four Musketeers' Competiton too. Go check it out.

Okay, that's all folks! Hope you liked the pictures. The puppies will resume their posts very soon.


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

No puppies show today?
Ahhh, good to see the three of you strolling again, soon to be the five!
Love ya

Noah the Airedale said...

You all look terrific!!!!


Che-Cheh said...

Wow you 3 looks so great in that pose. I love looking dogs posing like that.

Is that call stacking?

Maxmom said...

Hi there. You guys look really good. Thx for the photos.

Faya said...

3 beauty queens ! Waaaaaa you are all so beautiful !

The Musketeers said...

Model No.3 is so gorgeous !!! Who is that gorgeous looking girl ! Wait a minute, it's my CHLOEEEE !!! WOW, all 3 of you look great in the stack !!! :D

Lots of drools,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You all look so gorgeous - hard to tell you just gave birth to that large litter!!! Hope we can see more puppies soon.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Lovely poses!

L said...

It's great to see you three girls getting attention again. We don't know how your mom finds the time to keep up with the puppies and make sure you three still get lots of love and attention.

Love all the pictures of the puppies. They are soooooo cute!! Glad everyone is doing well.

Hoop said...

You look great, ready to win an award

Anonymous said...

oh... you all look GREAT and beautiful!

BTW, how much does the photographer charged ? Mom is thinking of getting me one too..


Fred said...

You all look booty-full!

Clive said...

Great shots!

You all look really good!

lots of woofs

Simba and Jazzi said...

Those are great photos. We can't believe how big the puppies are getting, they are so cute.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

Rufus and Indie said...

Great photos Amber! You look all very elegant!:)
Rufus and Indie

Girasol said...

What a wonderful pose.

Lacy said...

w00fs, u girlies looks bute ti ful as wonders iffin mama can git me to do that...

b safe,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Great photo's...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What beaWOOOOtiful girls!

Tank woo fur sharing!


Lorenza said...

You, Faith and Chloe look gorgeous in those pictures!
Kisses and hugs

Lanie said...

You're awesomely good looking! I hope you'll meet some golden retrievers on the site I found. Enjoy!

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

You all sure look great in the photos there! I wish I knew how to stack too, but I'm no show dog...haha! *grins*

Hope you have a great weekend!


Niamh said...

You look great Amber, especially after having all those puppies! Your sisters are lovely too.

Your friend,

Cool Design Shelties said...

Looking good :o)


Eric said...

What a bevvie of beauties!! The puppies are just wondeful Amber will you miss them when they go I wonder?

Wiry wags, Eric xx

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures of all three of you!

Your pal,

Duke said...

What gorgeous girls the three of you are!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

wally said...

Ooooh--you girls are all very good at posing! No one stands still that long at our house!

wally t.

Allison Walton said...

Sooo beewootiful!!

Gus and Waldo

Thor and Jack said...

Great pictures of you three!
You are gorgeous!!


Rambo said...

You are all in great form and so beautiful. I wish I could pose like that!
The pupsters bath was hilarious. They are all so adorable. Don't you want to just keep them all??

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Amber, you look radiant dahling, you SO got your figure back, way to go girl!
Chloe and Faith look lovely too, we love seeing dogs stacked (we're just not that keen ourselves, we play our Mum up, hehe!)
Slobbers xx

Kess And Her Mama said...

You gals are such pros!

Emma said...

You look so great, you will be back in your shape very soon!

I don't know anything about Faith's conformation, but I can tell you that both Faith and Chloe look good :)

Domi said...

All 3 of you are just such lovely girls!
