My Loyal Followers

March 31, 2008

Obedience & Agility Trials

Last Saturday, we went to an Obedience & Agility trials hosted by Pet-n-You. It was held in a shopping complex. We woke up & left early to find parking space but it was very difficult for us to find the loading bay where dogs were only allowed to go off. When we went inside, there were already quite a number of people & doggies & the place was sooo nice & cold coz the air-conditioner was on.

Just chilling & waiting for the event to start... That's our friend Groovy, the famous dancing JRT & Agility pro. Me & Groovy used to be enemies but now we're cool.

Later we moved inside & waited beside the ring. We waited for quite some time & I was just enjoying the air-conditioner that was blasting down on us...

I didn't know what to do after a while so I started meditating just like what Angel Herbie does best. Ommmm...

Pre-Novice started 1st & they did the sit & down-stays 1st. Can you see Faith in the distance?

Here's a video of Faith in action...

I think she did very well. Her left turns are much better now after our mommy taught her how to do her left turn properly & sharp. Her recall kinda spoiled it. She did not sit in front of my hooman M when called & my hooman M had to repeat the finish command twice. But anyway, she got 4th placing!

When it was Intermediate time, I was already sleepy coz I waited for approximately 7 hours till it as my turn. Who will not be sleepy by then?

When it was my turn, I did quite badly. I did some clown acts which got everybody laughing. I always make mommy look bad during an OB trial coz I hate OB! Not that I don't know my commands, I just want to act stoopid. I told you blondes are not dumb... I mean since the rest did sooo well, I thought I'd just spice everything up a little. People have got to laugh too right? Heehee! Check out this movie my mommy made last night.

I learned a new trick! My style of doing the Broad Jump. Why jump over it w
hen you can walk across it? Gaps are already given so why waste all the energy to jump over it right when you can walk through it? Hahaha! You can see that I did the rest well.

Mommy thinks the only reason why I did not jump over the jump to retrieve my dumbbell was becoz of the mic. Look at my eyeballs! I'm freaked out by it...

Ahhh, this is the best! No doggies can ever do it as good as me!

Well, ofcourse I failed! But mommy has no hard feelings as she only entered me just for the experience. She said entering me for Pre-Novice & Novice all the time is just too boring. She said she's gonna work harder on me now for the next trials.

Later on, it was Agility time! I was soooper doooper excited! Elementary started 1st & then Novice. I entered for Novice & when it was my turn, I was over excited till I couldn't execute some of the hurdles properly & so was disqualified during 1st round. For the 2nd round, I did much better & executed most of the obstacles well but lost when I jumped over the last hurdle, the wrong way. Ooops!

The table sure was high! Luckily I managed to get up the A-Frame this time no
t like before. I was clinging on to it for life... You can see the mistake at the end. I think I'm such a clown that day!

After that it was Basic Jumpers & Faith entered that. She had to be on-leash becoz she has this habit of running away from mommy. They both ran as fast as they could!

The 1st round, Faith cleared all the obstacles smoothly but during the 2nd round, she knocked down about two or three hurdles. But still, she won 3rd place! Not bad not bad for a 1st timer! Mommy always thought she had no potential but she was wrong...

Here's an action shot of Faith. Nice huh? Hopefully next time, she'll be able to go off-leash.

Here are the winners for Basic Jumpers. Pacco 1st, Ginger 2nd & Faith 3rd. Look at that Faith yawning away...

And then we all participants had a group picture. Oh yeah btw, Chloe won 3rd place for the Best Tricks game. I did not join it coz I had to pee badly!

Here's the cert faith got for Obedience & a trophy for the Basic Jumpers Agility. It was faith's day for sure, not mine. Congratulations to my sista who we always thought had no potential but we were so so so wrong!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yueah congrates to Faith. :) I can't believe you doggies had to wait 7 hrs.. I would have napped, woke up to snack, nap, woke up to pee and nap some more during this time

~ Girl girl

sharkgila said...

Congrats Faith! You look great in all those shots too.


Cassidy said...

Well done to Faith! She be clever. Me be with you though Amber-Mae, being a clown be so much more fun!

Cassidy x

Amber said...

Congrats Faith! Your mom and sistas are so proud of you. I was there really late at 2pm and the best dressed has ended :( Saw Chloe and your mom's mother. Congrats to Chloe too! It was pretty crowded and the hoomans left after 2 hours. Whoa, 7 hours?!

Niamh said...

Hi Amber-mae. I know what you mean about the broad jump. It is so low it hardly seems worth the energy to jump over it when you can just walk through the spaces!
Congratulations to Faith. Great picture of her jumping and she looks very lovely with her trophy and certificate.
Have fun with your training.

Your friend,

Niamh said...

Hi Amber-mae. I know what you mean about the broad jump. It is so low it hardly seems worth the energy to jump over it when you can just walk through the spaces!
Congratulations to Faith. Great picture of her jumping and she looks very lovely with her trophy and certificate.
Have fun with your training.

Your friend,

Mack said...

I think all you sisters did wonderful! You should win first prize for being most beautiful!!

Unknown said...

congratulationsss chloe

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

What a great bunch of talented doggies. And congrats to your sister!

Daisy said...

Congratulations to Faith! She looks very proud in that last picture.

Amber, I was very impressed with your performance. I think you should have gotten EXTRA points for your creative long jump technique.

Duke said...

Congratulations to Faith! You did a fabulous job!
Amber, you're such a clown!
Both of you are so talented! We can tell that all of you work very hard!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Clover said...

Hi Amber,
Sounds like you had a fun time! Congratulations to Faith! Great work! I liked looking at the pictures in your last post too - I wish there was a restaurant here that I could go to with my humans!
Love Clover xo

Kim said...

Good job Faith! Amber - you are right, obedience is boring. Someone needed to make it fun and make people laugh! I loved watching your agility but you are right - that table was so high. Maggie would have ran under it too. I am glad you had a fun weekend.

Maggie and Bosley

Lacy said...

woofies and burfs Amber-Mae and Sistas...well done Faith....heehee we all got to act like we haffin fun sumtimes...

b safe,
Rocky, Bear and angel Lacylulu ;)

Jans Funny Farm said...

That was fun. You are very talented doggies.

Clay's Mommy said...

Hi Amber! I like to walk over the long jump too. I just don't get why we have to jump over it when walking works just as well! I learned how to do the teeter totter yesterday at agility class! I loved it!


Kirby said...

Yeah to Faith! It really was her day! I guess we all have days when we're on and those when we're off. You'll have a great day soon Amber. Keep up the great work and keep making us laugh!

Your pal,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

well done, faith...n next time remind ur human 2 bring u a sweater....

Lorenza said...

Hi, Amber!
After 7 hours sure you were not in the mood! You should have won the funniest presentation!
Congratulations to Faith!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

You are so smart! You had a lot of fun at the show.

I tagged you for a 6 word memoir game. Hope to see you.

Deefor said...

You guys had a long day. You and Faith were fun to watch. We are getting a little better on our leashes but not as good as Faith.


Asta Marie said...

Wow Amber Mae,
My Mom and Dad went to a dog show on Saturday and there was agility there too but we didn't get to go. Lots of doggies were jumping over those bars though. Looks like you all had a lot of fun but I don't think anyone around here would have waited for 7 hours for anything.

Asta Marie

Almighty King King said...

Great job faith! and amber u sure make us laugh when u walk under the table instead of jumping up onto the table. lolx

Spencer said...

Hi Amber,

Wow you guys have been busy while I've been away! Congratulations to Faith on her placing! After waiting 7 hours I would have been fast asleep! BOL!


Huskee and Hershey said...

Ah-ha! Faith has proven you wrong and done you proud!! *clapping paws*

Simba and Jazzi said...

You both did really well. 7 hours of waiting around must be really boring.

Simba x

The Thuglets said...

Well done Faith! We would be like you Amber Mae clowning around! Hmmm ..Reminds us not the weather is getting better maybe we can get our agility kit out? We only play at home on it though!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets + 2

Xsara and Tani said...

Congrats to Faith - she is a prove that you should never give up on training a dog, just because the results are not there right away!

Dogs could never run a course on leash here, they are not even allowed to have a collar in agility ring, because they could get injured if it got stucked on something (like a tunnel, that would be dangerous for very fast dogs).

I'm glad you had a fun trial - we have the next trial in two weeks and we can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Wow, we really enjoyed watching those clips. You all did very well and never mind those little mistakes :)

Hazel Bridges said...

Hi Amber

Looks like a fun day out, I like your technique on the broad jump, very sensible not to over exert yourself.......


Charlie Boy

Sami & Baylee said...

You were all so patient waiting such a long time. I get restless.
Looks like you all had fun!

Amber you did way better then I could have! I liked your new trick..your so SMART & Creative!

Congratulations to Faith!
Chloe has such a pretty smile while you were all chilling and waiting!

Kisses & Licks,

Lizzy said...

Ha, it's definitely always good to make people laugh once in a while! I'm sure everyone was glad you didn't do perfect. ;)

Congratulations to Faith, she did great! I love that picture of her in the air.


wally said...

That shot of Faith is FANTASTIC! Good job guys.


Maggie said...

I saw you Faith! Pawsomeee!!
i want to be like youuuuuu!!
oh..too bad we could not catch up each other.. well someday we will rite! :)
i was so tired after the event too! hahahhaa

Murphy's Mom said...

Congrats to you both!!! What a happy day! Hope everyone got some extra goodies to celebrate!
You are both gorgeous and talented and write a great blog!

L said...

Congrats to Faith and Pacco!
You had to wait 7 hours? That's forever. We would have been ready to leave by then.

Myeo said...

Great job, Faith!!!! We are so proud of you.

Boy n Baby

Helios said...

Wow, Faith is really smart too! Look at all the goodies she won!

Amber, I think you better not meditate like my big brother herbie, the laziness is rubbing off on you. Because I know my big brother herbie won't bother to jump over the broad jump as well.

Dexter said...

Why was that table so high? I think going under was the right response.

OB IS boring and the humans always look so stern when they do it (not like in agility).

Faith is really coming along.


Anonymous said...

Great job Faith - big congrulations to you!!

And sorry you had such a bad day Amber - you still look like you had fun which is the important thing. I often do your trick for the broad jump at agility too - it is sooooo much easier to walk it than to jump it!!


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi are such a clown!! I think you look great anyway.

Congratulations Faith. We are so proud of you.

Love you all lots & lots

Joe Stains said...

Congrats to Faith, it sure is nice to see her doing so well! She looks a little bored with it all with that big old yawn!

Noah the Airedale said...

Hooray for Faith. Well done. You look very pleased with yourself. Bet your mum is very proud of you.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Amber...great meditation style on the broad jump....excellent form....ommmmmmmmm!!!!!

Your zen speaks for itself!!!

7 hours?? Whoa...we woulda been asleep for sure!

The three of us shoulda that would be some entertainment for the judges?

Pawsonally, I would start with a BIG FIGHT.

Always gets the crowd into it!!


Anonymous said...

Congtrats Faith,

I get bored with the award ceremonies also. That's sucha human thing right.

You know what you did. You know you're good. The rest is just show.

Speaking of show. I like your markings. My dad said you're dalmation. That's really cool

Smell you later.

Sparky said...

Congratulations to Faith!!! What a great accomplishment, and I am sure there are many, many more in her future. My mama is thinking about trying Patches on some agility stuff because he is sleek and smart and listens all the time.

Charlie said...

Hurrah for Faith! I'm very proud of her.
- Charlie

3 Furballs said...

Wow you all did good! You must be very proud of your achievements! Congrats! Faith was pawsome!

umekotyan said...

Good evening amber.
I'm sorry becoming slowness.
Wise amber does a wonderful acting.
Be wonderful, and with a lot of friends of the weekend:)

from loved ume tyan

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Amber! You all did very well!Congrats to Faith! Great picture of her jumping and that with the trophy and cert! We are so proud of her.


Toffee said...

Amber -
They found Henry.
so very sad = (

B said...


You guys get to have the best times.

B said...

Oh Amber,
I forgot to answer your question about my Great Dane friend. Her name is Maggie and she's about two years old. She has the most beautiful markings on her coat and she is sooo gentle. Mom wishes I could be more like that.


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Faith! congratulations you look so beeuutiful in your pic w/your trophies!!!

Chloe! Happy Happy Barkday Chloe sowrry we missed it. We must of been travelin and we had no computee. Looks like ya'll had a pawsome time at the boathouse and your cake looked drooly!

Love ya'll lots!

Bella said...

Congratulations to all of you - you are all so talented.
Well done Faith. Great action shots.

Rudy said...

And you know that 7 hours for us doggies is like 49 hours or TWO DAYS! yike!
Congratulations you guys and keep it up! Agility is so much fun -- we're doing Rally Obedience here, and it's like Obedience with more fun. Mom says when I get my Rally Excellent title I can start regular Obedience maybe. As long as she still lets me do Agility it's alright with me.


Natasha Fernz said...

Hey Amber

It has been quite a few days since you last posted...

Hope everything is ok... cause you usually post quite regularly...


Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Great job on entertaining everyone! It's a hard job!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Puggle Preston said...

Amber-mae, You guys are soooo great! I am speechless. Did you see any beagles doing obedience? (if you did, don't let my mommy know).


Dino and Family said...

Congratulations!!!! Faith!!! You did great and you look fabulous with all your prizes!!!! Amber, you were not too bad too! I am sure you will do better next time.

Anonymous said...

OMG AMBERRRRRRRRRRR.. i finally found you!!! What happened to your old blog??? been visiting it once in a while to see if u were back blogging. only to find a weirdo "promoting" himself in your old blog. Glad to re-discover your blog!!!! :D :D:D

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btw what happened back therE?

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