My Loyal Followers

February 27, 2008

Every Dog's Dream!

Well, at least to some of us. Remember the bag of tennis balls Bosco gave to me during the pawty? Well, I counted (yes, I can count) & there's about 20 in there I think. Look what we did the day after the pawty!

While we were still recovering from the pawty, suddenly...

It kinda gave us a shock but we really went crazeeee as you can see!!! I was having such a difficult time choosing which one I want becoz they all look exactly the same. If only I could fit all in my mouth at one time, sigh... I really love this game! My hooman M did it several times.

Here we go again. Look at the concentration in my eyes... Are you ready?

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! Here they come!

And again! Ha, got cha!

And again! Come into my mouth, aaaaaaaaaa! I think we did it about 10 times, phew!

Grrrrr... Such a difficult decision for me!

Which one is the best? They ALL are!

I want this one. No, I want that one too!

I want you now!

*panting heavily* Phew! This is sooo tiring...

Oh, what a great game! Now, who's ready for the next round?


Snowball said...

Wow! Isn't that the best game in the world?


Dexter said...

I think your momma is messing with your head (but you are too clever to fall for it).

I have been told that when Dexter arrives I will get plenty of exercise, so for now I am taking it easy.


Ferndoggle said...

20 tennis balls????? OMDoG! My head would have exploded!!!


Ben & Darling said...

Wah!!! 20 tennis balls in a roll!!! You are one lucky pup!!!!

Unknown said...

all the balls are to you??' wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
a big hug

Duke said...

We love the video! All of you were going NUTS! haha
We wish we could have been there too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Simba and Jazzi said...

Hehe, you certainly had fun with those tennis balls.

Simba x

Girasol said...

It's a dream come true!

Fred said...

How fun! mouth is too little to hold even one tennis ball. :( I do like chewies, though! And I can grab lots and lotsa marshy-mallows.

Daisy said...

Balls, balls, balls, balls everywhere! That looks like a fun game!

Amber said...

Whoa!! So many balls!!! Lol, the video is very exciting! It can be a great work out for me! Count me in for the next game!

Amber :)

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pals, I think I would have gone BESERK with so many tennis balls! J x

Asta said...

That twuly looks like heaven!!!
You and Faith and Chloe look so happy!
You have the best play woom too!!
You'we so vewy lucky!
smoochie kisses

Lacy said...

woofies Amber, Chloe and Faith...heehee u girls go after balls better dan me does many balls, so little time...

b safe,

Mack said...

Oh that looks like such fun! I love tennis balls and racquet balls. FUN!

Hydrocephalus in Pets said...

That sure does look like a lot of fun.

Clay's Mommy said...

That sure looks like fun! Mommy won't let Abby have tennis balls, because within mere minutes, she breaks them in half. No more tennis ball! Silly Abby

Jack and Abby

Joe Stains said...

oh that game DOES look like lots of fun! I bet it was almost as exciting as 20 treats falling from the sky!! almost.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Amber!
Sounds like your human M was having as much fun as you all!
Glad you had fun with all your balls!
Kisses and hugs

Sami & Baylee said...

oh Amber what fun you doggies get to have!! I will have to have a talk with my mommy about getting me some more balls and having me some dog-gone ball fun! Your Mommy and M are so cool to let you have some much fun!

Oh also my sista Allie just keeps talking about Faith and how bootiful she is!

Kisses & Licks,

Dino and Family said...

Oh Amber, you had so much fun for the last couple of days!!! Wish I was there too! Have a good rest and enjoy the tennis balls! Love, Dino

Boo Casanova said...

so many ball ball... some dog might be too happy to see so many ball ball.

wet wet licks


Michelle Wrighton Artist said...

Twenty tennis balls sounds like so MUCH fun, wish I was there at the dog Pawty!


Turbo Taj

Urban Smoothie Read said...

talk about tennis ball...every saturday, i will lost one...sigh...

now the jungle is full of tennis ball somewhere...

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Ah... that's so exciting... I want to chase every ball too

~ Girl girl

BrandytheGreat said...

Woh!! Sounds sooo fun!!!! I only have like..(counting..)erm, abiout 5 left!! Boo hoo, Chivas destroyed my balls!~!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh wow, tennis ball paradise!

Cassidy said...

Oh, that be so much fun! Me would love to be there playing with you all.

Cassidy x

Goofy said...

can i have one of that?? seems fun!!

umekotyan said...

Good evening amber.
Game in tennis ball.
And, let's enjoy reverberations of the happiness of the party. :)

from loved ume tyan

Anonymous said...

Oh my dog - that looks like soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun - I wish I could've joined in the game with you girls!! Love the action shots too :)


Sharon said...

Wow! It looks like you are still having a pawty! All those tennis balls look fun!


andrahyb said...

Faith looked so lost!!!

Oh... We would like to play this game with you too!

Thor and Jack said...

You all look so happy after game! I wish that I was there! Wait for me!


Myeo said...

So much fun!

Boy n Baby

Chris and Mackenzie said...

What a fun idea! I'm going to surprise Mackenzie with a lot of tennis balls myself!



chiyo said...

hahaha what a refreshing take the the idea of playing ball!! amber, are you ever worried that you would swallow or choke on the balls?


p.s. did you even get to eat a little of the chicken backside you stole from your mummy?

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey that's tennis ball heaven Amber-Mae. We're sending Pinky to the shop tomorrow to buy tennis balls for us.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Xsara and Tani said...

Cool game! I think that one is the best, you know, the yellow one...

Natasha Fernz said...

Hey Amber & Co

That sure looked like fun...


Lizzy said...

Wow, now that looks like fun! Sometimes my human Lizzy does the same thing to me, when she finds my stash of about 7 tennis balls hidden in the back yard. She throws them all at once, and I don't know which one to go for! But it's a fun game. Tennis balls are my ultimate favorite toy! Hee hee.


Balboa said...

That's a dream come true!!!!! All those wonderful tennis balls.

Maybe my mommy can do that with all my hedgehog balls.

Frenchie Snorts

Maya and Kena said...

We've never played that game before, but it looks SO FUN!!! The most tennis balls our humans have ever thrown fur us are two at the same time.. BOL. We would have been really hyper with 20!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Anonymous said...

Oh My gosh! Look at all those tennis balls! That game looks like a TON of fun! I need more tennis balls....

Love, Herc

sharkgila said...

Woweee!!! So many many many them balls! I wouldn't mind a game like that myself.


Rudy said...

Oh wow I'd go crazy with so many balls at once! Sooo little time, soooo many balls!


Spencer said...

Hi Amber,

I hope you & Chloe are feeling better! I love that tennis ball game! You can NEVER have too many tennis balls, BOL!


L said...

That's a lot of balls! How could you chose just one to play with?