More delicious food to show you guys...Yesterday, was a major cooking day. My hooman M cooked & cooked & cooked till she almost fainted! Look at the foooood, the aroma in the kitchen was really great!
Mmmm, honey chicken. But none for me...
And this is curry mutton. None for me too...
And then this, steamed fish... Got none.
And then this! Fried fish... yum! I actually don't like fish but this smelt pweetty good... But still, I did not even get a small piece.
But instead I got this... What's that? Too much greens for me.
I'm sure it will taste better with a bit of this. Chicken blooooooord...
I helped my mommy prepare the table. I just hate fetching stuff for her as you can see in the video... But I still helped her anyway. I'm soooo obedient... sort of.
Hmmm, smells nicer then it looks. Should give it a try...
I don't know how to use a spoon... Maybe youcan teach me mom.
No spoons for me, thank you. I just wanna DIG IN!!! This is what we doggies do best, don't ya agree?
Yum yum, done! That was quite tasty... But look at how I ate.
So messy, but that's the way I like it!
Oh hellow dead potato... I'm gonna eat you up!
Now, do you call that polished or what? Heeheehee...
Okay guys, my mommy's exam is starting tomorrow & it will go on till next Thursday. She will have another three more days of it, in two weeks time. It won't take that long & I will be on again either next week or after my mommy's exams are over. Hope you guys will not forget gorgeous me, hehehehe!
And I hope I made you doggies dribble reading this post. I tried my best, kakaka! Have a great week dears...
OMG, you were setting your OWN table to eat! We didn't get that from the beginning! You are so smart, Amber! You did have us drooling - right from the honey chicken to your rice dinner! yummmmmmmmm We'll miss you and there is no way we'd ever forget you! Don't worry!
You have your own table to dine? That's really nice. The food looks so good. OOhh, fetching stuffs is very helpful for my lazy hoomans. & Wish your mom GOOD LUCK in her examinations!!
Hiya Amber! Techie dog laughed at the video. I do my tricks perfect, but when mom wants to video them, I always do it wrong to annoy her! That food looks sooo good. My mom LOVES curry!!! She just finished her exams as well (no more school till January yeay!)Izzy's sleeping on my foot right now, she's getting big! Mom washed my toys today so waiting to get monstah and dinosaur back...ayayay hate waiting! Woof woof good luck on exams amber mama!!
Hi, Amber All that food looks delicious!! Sure you enjoyed yours! Messy?? Who says?? Your mom was having fun with your video!! Tell her we wish her the best with her exams! We will be waiting for you! Have a great week Lorenza
Woah, that all looked delicious! Our mum said the honey chicken looked best to her, but said everything made her hungry, BOL! Looks pretty good to us too, we love fish!
WOW!! WE are all drooling!!!! How about your dining set up!!!! Wow...we have to work on PL1+2 here.....Forget you??? Don't be so silly!!!!! Tell your Mom good luck!!! Love A+A
You are so beautiful! All that food was amazing and you didn't get most of it. What a shame, but it looks like you sure enjoyed what you got. Was there rice in it?
You did a great job of setting the table. I didn't know that you were an accomplished table setter with outstanding skills. You are very talented, Amber.
Amber Mae, you sure are one lucky poochie! I love stopping by and seeing what your fabulous humans are cooking for you to eat! - though sometimes blogger keeps deleting my comments - Tell you human good luck on exams, too (my human is stressing out over her uni stuff, too, but that's what we dogs are there for!)
I tagged you, so if you can use the keyboard while your human is out, stop by my dog blog!
Oh, Amber! You are so keen on your table manners & how you set the table & everything! I think you could easily get a job at a 5 star restaurant...either setting tables or cleaning them are very obedient...I don't think I know how to eat with a spoon tongue is my spoon!
OMG, you were setting your OWN table to eat! We didn't get that from the beginning! You are so smart, Amber! You did have us drooling - right from the honey chicken to your rice dinner! yummmmmmmmm
We'll miss you and there is no way we'd ever forget you! Don't worry!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Amber-Mae, wish your mum lots of success in her exams from Penny and me.
Think you using the spoons very clever...
Pats & pets
Thats a lot of good food. Why didn't your mum share it with you?
Wish your mum all the best in her exams.
drooling all over the keyboard!
nose licks
You have your own table to dine? That's really nice. The food looks so good. OOhh, fetching stuffs is very helpful for my lazy hoomans.
& Wish your mom GOOD LUCK in her examinations!!
Gosh that is posh your own table with a table cloth, crockery and patterned plate. You are indeed a lucky girl.
Hope you Mum gets on OK with her exams.
Molly and Taffy
Hiya Amber! Techie dog laughed at the video. I do my tricks perfect, but when mom wants to video them, I always do it wrong to annoy her! That food looks sooo good. My mom LOVES curry!!! She just finished her exams as well (no more school till January yeay!)Izzy's sleeping on my foot right now, she's getting big! Mom washed my toys today so waiting to get monstah and dinosaur back...ayayay hate waiting! Woof woof good luck on exams amber mama!!
Hey, Amber! That foods looks delicious! Yum! I was with water in the mouth!
I wish your mom good luck in her exams!
Lots of licks
We wont forget about you or your YUMMY looking food, you made us drool. Mom too!
Hi, Amber
All that food looks delicious!! Sure you enjoyed yours! Messy?? Who says??
Your mom was having fun with your video!!
Tell her we wish her the best with her exams!
We will be waiting for you!
Have a great week
Good luck to your Mama for her exam etc
and hey Amber life is too short to use a spoon!
Wow, you made us hungry. All that food looked really good. Yummm.. Tell your mom good luck on her exams!!!
Ooo, so yummy yummy yummy. Amber, you're so clever!
Woah, that all looked delicious! Our mum said the honey chicken looked best to her, but said everything made her hungry, BOL! Looks pretty good to us too, we love fish!
M & I
AM! i'm drooling... and mom too! hehehehe.
i wanna wish your mom good luck on her exam! you can fetch her more coffee.
wet wet licks
My mommy is having a final project presentation too next week...
all the best to your mommy okay!!
I'm enjoying the new salmon treat today!! YAYYY...!
paws and kisses
The honey chicken looks really good!!!
I only had congee tonight...sniff.
Your so smart...... makes me want to teach pearly to get things too.
Good Luck to your Mommy okay? :) What a coincidence! My Mom made Honey Soy Chicken for dinner on Saturday too! hehe
Those food looks really yummy. Good luck to your mom's exam!
~ Girl girl
It is necessary to teach amber table manners.
The spoon is difficult for a moment.
from loved ume tyan
I could never forget you Amber Mae!
Who needs spoons!
Your food looked yummy and I liked watching your video!
Good Luck to your Mum in her exams,
Missing you already as they say!
love and licks, Marvin who never forgets!
ooops, I have commented twice, well your post was so yummy and dribble inducing I could not resist another peek at your Blog!
WOW!! WE are all drooling!!!! How about your dining set up!!!! Wow...we have to work on PL1+2 here.....Forget you??? Don't be so silly!!!!! Tell your Mom good luck!!! Love A+A
You are way TALENTED Amber....I cant do any of that...too cute.
Please tell your mamma GOOD LUCK on her exams!!!!!
Lots of Love
Sir Bacon
Gosh, how fancy! Your very own table complete with tablecloth!
Good look to mummy for her exams!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
We wish your mom all the best in her exams.
Boy n Baby
wow! more delicious food....(dribles a lot)
Good luck on your mummy exam!
I love the picture of you with a spoon! That is too cute! And you have your own table too... lucky puppy!
Tell your Mom to send me the recipe for that honey chicken... my mouth is watering!!! Everything looks amazing!
wow, looks delicious! You didn't even get a teeny weeny piece? Bad, bad mommy!
ANd yes, my M is still harbouring the idea of teaching me to hold things in mouth. I won't mind if it's food...
hee what did your M make so much food for? :)
Do you dine in style every night at your house? You didn't leave a crumb.
Simba x
Slurp~slurp~~Im drooling Amber-Mae......Im drooling.....Y cant you have it?? Just grab it from mom!!!
By the way, you are such a good gal helping your mommy. I will only mess up with her. WAkakkaka
oh.. Amber dear.. that is so yummy!..
u are such a lucky gal!
oh yes.. good luck to your mommy exam..
How do you get your Momma to feed you on those pretty dishes? Off a table! That's amazing.
Eddie, Peaches & Bella
Oh Amber,
You are so beautiful! All that food was amazing and you didn't get most of it. What a shame, but it looks like you sure enjoyed what you got. Was there rice in it?
You did a great job of setting the table. I didn't know that you were an accomplished table setter with outstanding skills. You are very talented, Amber.
Love and Koobuss Kisses
wow!! so many food... is ur home having a feast?
Amber Mae, you sure are one lucky poochie! I love stopping by and seeing what your fabulous humans are cooking for you to eat! - though sometimes blogger keeps deleting my comments - Tell you human good luck on exams, too (my human is stressing out over her uni stuff, too, but that's what we dogs are there for!)
I tagged you, so if you can use the keyboard while your human is out, stop by my dog blog!
licks & slobbers
Oh, Amber! You are so keen on your table manners & how you set the table & everything! I think you could easily get a job at a 5 star restaurant...either setting tables or cleaning them are very obedient...I don't think I know how to eat with a spoon tongue is my spoon!
Love & Licks,
ps..good luck to your mama on her exams!
OMD Amber, you always ALWAYS have tons of food!! I am again drooling!!!
Please say good luck to your mom!
Momo xoxo
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