Sir Chance-Lot, thank you sooooo very much! I loved all of them & guess what? We finished all the bully stickies already, harharhar! We are such piggies. Okay, now to the next pressie...
Yuki thank you! I like shredding the package. I think that's a great pressie too, hehehehe...
Okay about my mommy, her very important final examination is coming up in one & a half weeks time so she has been studying alot everyday. She will not have time to help me blog often now but she said she will spare some time to help me visit all your bloggies. Can't promise though...I hope you all will forgive me if I can't visit all your bloggies.
Anyway, you guys have a great day & weekend! Oh some good news here to share, mommy's finally becoming an OB dog trainer this Sunday. She will be teaching two basic classes. I hope she can handle the doggies, hehehehe...
Okay about my mommy, her very important final examination is coming up in one & a half weeks time so she has been studying alot everyday. She will not have time to help me blog often now but she said she will spare some time to help me visit all your bloggies. Can't promise though...I hope you all will forgive me if I can't visit all your bloggies.
Anyway, you guys have a great day & weekend! Oh some good news here to share, mommy's finally becoming an OB dog trainer this Sunday. She will be teaching two basic classes. I hope she can handle the doggies, hehehehe...
afternoon amber-mae! more pressies! aren't u a lucky girl or what?
i thought mommy is not studying anymore? she quit school but still taking the exam?
btw, congratulations for mommy being a trainer.
wet wet licks
Those are really nice pressies. I like the collar. Its bootiful.
Good luck to your mum for her exams.
Thats a really nice looking collar.
Awesome presents Amber - that collar is absolutely beautiful and looks even better on you!!
We wish your mum good luck with her exam and her first training lesson though we're sure she'll do great in both!
The present of a new color is lovely. :)
A pink color suits amber-mae.
However, the package of yuki is cut in pieces.
Ah it is too good.
However, it is a wonderful present.
from loved ume tyan
Hi Amber! Great pressies!
You look so beautiful and happy with the collar!
Congrats for your mom to be a dog trainer!
I wish her good luck in the exam!
Have a nice weekend!
Love and licks!
Hi Amber!
Those are some great barkday gifts! The collar looks beautiful on you. Please tell your mom good look on her examinations and on Sunday when she starts training!
Love Clover xo
Hi Amber, you got some really good pressies. it sounds like your mommy is doing really good things with dogs too, by being a real dog trainer. are you her deomonstration dog?
happy woofers.
Hi Amber-Mae,
Nice presents!
Congrats to your mom on becoming a OB trainer and all the best in her coming exam!
And the Canine Kids said
Hi Amber,
Those are some great presents! Congratulations to your Mom on becoming an OB instructor!
Those awe tewwific pwesents!! and you look wadiant in youw new collaw!
Good luck to youw Mommi on hew tests, and congwatulations on hew achievement!
have a gweat weekend
smoochie kisses
Your new collar looks beautiful on you, Amber! You seem to be such a sweet girl who's always sharing with your sisters!
I wish I could take classes with your mom so I could be just like you!
Love ya lots,
Great pressies Amber. You're very good to share with Chloe and Faith.
Congrats to your mum becoming an OB dog trainer. That's brilliant.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
ps. if your mums ever down our way maybe she could drop by and sort out my sissies!
Amber, what great presents you got! The collar is gorgeous! You look beautiful in it!
Congratulations to your mom!
Amber!! I can see your smile. I am glad you received so many wonderful gifts. That pink collar looks good on you!
Momo xoxo
So talented... can open packages even without thumbs!
Thanks for checking out my Dog Blog :)
U R one luck gal I tell ya!
All your pressies are soooooo yummy!!!
Oh Amber, I am so sad...that first pressie you opened was from me,and you did not know it :O(
My mamma forgot to put the card in the package and I tried to warn you several times about it in your chat box and in your comments...I am glad you liked the collar. It was the prettiest one I could find in the whole world!
Im glad also that you lied the bully sticks and the cookies and the ball!
Happy birthday Amber
Sir Chancelot
sori i havent been dropping by lately, n missing out on your barkday. great pawty u had, n having fun shredding the pkgs. seemed like it's Chloe's barkday as much as yours! keke...
Enjoy eating and wearing your presents. What is an OB trainer? Outstanding Best? Overpowering Beasts? Outrunning Bees???
What great presents, lots of treats and a new collar. It doesn't get much better then that.
Simba x
wowwwwwwwww a lot of gift....
the pink collar is grate.. i like so much and with it you are soo pretty...
a big hug
Gosh, that pink collar is adorable, you'll be turning heads for certain, though I'm sure you already do!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
i'm dissapointed for not being able to attend ur pawty....
owner got sick, mayb due to her exam stress....
but right after she had completed it, i will pay a visit to the petshop n look for some special for u....
Hi Amber,
Happy Belated Barkday! Sorry for the late wishes. You're so blessed with so many pressies!! So smart to unwrap them all by yourself!
Rubie, Tiffany & Tinkerbell
You look GREAT in pink!!!!Good luck to your Mom.Maybe she can come here and train us!!!(teehee) Love A+A
What lovely presents, Amber! Did your mum really try one of your dog biscuits? Hehehe!
Tell your mum that we wish her good luck with her exam and congrats on being an OB trainer! J x
What a lucky girl you are, all those lovely presents.
Good luck to your Mum when she takes her exams.
Molly and Taffy
Amber Girl!!
Sir Chancelot sure does LOVE you, sweetie! You deserve all the presents you can get!
Give you mama extra goober hugs from me, and take care of her. She probably studies too hard as it is.
Goober love,
Oh, that pink collar is to die for! How splendid!
~ChaChi Lu
You are beautiful with your pink collar !
Kisses, Faya
Hello! First of all: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thank you for writing to us. We have seen your videos, you are quite a dancer! We hope they pick you for that private function! We also saw your RO videos - you are very good!!!! We have just started with RO, we had the first training about a month ago and the first trial a couple of weeks ago. We like it very much, but agility is still by far our main thing :) Anyway - have fun and check in on our blog anytime you like!
Love by B&X
Hi! We think you look soo very pretty with you new bling.. You're one lucky girl! We've really enjoyed you blog - looks like you have lots of fun!
Hope you'll come visit us at - we love new friends!
Sneezes and whippykisses,
Bajas, Coco & Nimbus
Hey Amber mae, ohhh, the pink collar is really nice, and you look so pwetty on it too. Those are really nice pressies. Your mom have spm examinations ar? Wish her good luck. Whoa, your mom so young can be dog trainer.
Amber :)
Hi Amber~Oh I am so glad that you loved the pressie. I can understand that your mamma might have thought it was from Ruby, cause her last name is "Raby" she must have thought it was Ruby instead..the mail man put her name on the pressie address tag.
That collar is like the "blingest" collar one can get in my pet store...remember the pet store I showed pictures from....well that where I saw it, and thought it would look fantastic on my golden girl...mamma is still sick!!!
Thank you so much for my blog vote of the month, I have never been nominated before.
Golden Hugs
Sir HappyAlot
Hi Amber Mae!!!! Happy Barkday!!!! and.... CONGRATULATIONS!!! you are the winner of the costume´s contest of halloween!!!! When you can, send me to me mail you adrees, for send you the present and the award ok? mail:
Thanks Amber Mae
Love, Chloe
wow are you lucky to have such nice friends, that milk bone chew is HUGE it would take me a week to eat it!
you are the coolest birthday girl ever, all those gifts!!!!! If we were in in HS I would definately want to sit at your table.
Frenchie Snorts
Felicitaciones por el premio de Halloway colegas. Patita guau guauu
Hi, Amber
You got very nice presents for Sir Chance and Yuki! Those bully sticks look delicious and your collar is beautiful!
Tell your mom we wish her the best with her exams and with the training classes. Sure she will do great with both!
Have a good night
Hi Amber,
That's a really nice pink collar and the bully sticks look yummy.. are u sure there are only 3?? Are there any leftovers for me??
Wow, the collar is so beautiful. You are such a lucky girl.
Boy n Baby
Hope you have a pawsome birthday Amber
~ Girl girl
Hey Amber,
Good luck to your Mommy! I'm sure she'll do well training the dogs cos she did such a great job with the 3 of you. :)
THose are awesome pressies my friend. It's nice to know you share with your sistas.
Hi Amber
Your presents are bootiful, and you deserve them too. Your new pink collar really suits you. Hope your mum does well in her exam.
Love from Hammer
Oh my gosh, more pressies? You're soooo lucky, Amber :)
I like your collar, it's so "you". I bet all the boys will be chasing you even more, now, hehehe!
Puggy kisses
Wow Amber baby, you racked up! I'm kind of partial to the edibles myownself.
Happy Belated birthday Amber!
I hope its not too late! All those pressie look so lovely!
Lots of Love,
WOW! Happy belated barkday!! You look great in your pink collar! And scaaaary in your witch costume!!
hey Amber-Mae! heheh i knew you'd like the tearing and shredding bit=D
Good luck to ur mommy for the upcomin exam!
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