This evening my mommy decorated the house with Christmas stuff & she also took a photoshoot of us three in our costumes for the DWB X'mas Cards Exchange. It took about half an hour to get the pawfect shot but this is the best so far which we are gonna use for the cards...
Me Santa Claws & Chloe and Faith are my Rudolfs, heeheehee... Like it? I know you do! Mommy decorated & dressed us up all by herself.
Here's another one. We were falling asleep already & my damn costume was soooo hot!
A closer shot of my spotty Rudolf...
And my fatty fat Rudolf...
And me, Santa Claws! My beard is soooo long... Hey, I think I beat you fellas already who are competing for the longest beard competition. Hahaha!
Ho ho ho, are we finished yet?
Finally we were done. We three were very patient & just sat there still until my mommy was finished. We didn't really enjoy the photoshoot but we were glad that we got over & done with. Been nagging my mommy to take pictures of us for the DWB thingy & finally it's done!
Here's a picture of the decorations. Not much but it looks nice already...
Here's the small Christmas tree. My hooman M can't afford a big one so she just got a small one. It's good enuf already... Things in Malaysia are not cheap I tell ya.
Oh yeah, we also left some cookies & a glass of water for the "real" Santa Claus. We kinda like ran out of milk so we just gave a glass of water for him to quench his thirst after a looooong day of pressie delivery. I don't know how he's gonna come in our house coz we got no chimney. He may need to break the door down, hope not or there goes our door.
Chloe ofcourse could not resist those cookies so she ate most of it.
Ooops! I took one too, hehe. Sorry Santa Claus coz we kinda ate all of your cookie but don't worry, I'll ask my mommy to put more cookies on it after we're finished.
Oh, we kinda like drank your glass of water too. Not to worry, I'll ask my mommy to fill it up again too...
After we were done eating & drinking, we turned around & saw Faith's head got stuck in my hat. Silly girl!
So here's the decorated living room. Simple but nice...
So from today onwards till X'mas is over, this will be the Christmas Corner where we can chill & snooze.
So, there you go guys! Hope you all liked our costumes especially mine, hehehehe... I wanna see the decorations in your house too & the costumes you're going to wear on X'mas. I now it's a bit too early now but I will wait.
I love all your christmas pictures. They are so CUTE!!!
You are a Star ! How can you stay so quiet ??? Beautiful pictures...
Kisses, Faya
You get the award for longest beard, Amber! How does your mom get you guys to dress up like this? We would NEVER allow it! Your Christmas card is going to be so cute! We sure hope we're on your card list!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What fantastic photos. You girls are so well behaved and patient! And adorable too, naturally!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Love, love, LOVE the costumes!!My mom wants to put up the tree this Friday, so we'll be sure to send pics. I will pose for some pix as well, but I dunno if Izzy can sit still yet. She's only 12 weeks old and so nawtee so she won't want to wear a hat. She's a good girl sometimes when she gets fed, she sits and waits till mom says "ok" then she goes to her bowl. Good doooooog! Woooof!
morning amber!! so fast and your mommy had already decorated the house!! And all 3 of you look so cute in your outfits!
ooooh Amber, you and your family are sooooo cool!
I love your dressing up pics!
So Christmassy!
We don't decorate the house until the week before Christmas, can you believe that?
love your pics, Marvin xxxxxx
You guys look great and your house is decorated so nice. Your pictures are so very, very cute!!!
OMD!!!.. u guys are superb!.. i love the outfits... love it love it.. haahha.. u are a santa claus!.. chloe n faith are cute too!.. nice decor.. everything seems so nice.. so christmas.. oh, i can't wait to decorate mine too!..
Amber, you look amazing in that suit! The beard and glasses suit you teehee. I love the calm look in your eyes, just like how a loving Santa should look.
Chloe and Faith look smashing, too.
Hi, Amber
I am so envy of your Christmas decoration that I asked my mom to start ours right now!
Your mom got great pictures of you all! Is the first one the winner??
Sure you need to put more cookies for Santa!
Have a good night
hahahah...I laughed very hard at this adorable, and so funny!!!
Guess what Amber baby...I have the same red rug in the bathroom...the little one you got...from Ikea...?!!
Well, I have been so busy with my campaigning...for best blog..mamma says I am taking it a bit too serious..hehe, but I dont want to let you guys down,who voted for me...and so I am trying to get MORE votes...come by and see my latest campaign strategy...hehe
Sir BaconTheRedNosedGolden
aik! amber-mae, in the last phone, the santa claw looks like standing on your head! LOL
sigh! i have yet started on the card yet. it's gonna be a simple one.
wet wet licks
you guys look GREAT in your costumes and took some awesome photos. I think you deserved the cookies after that!
Oh Amber! Your Holiday pics are sooooo sweet! & OF COURSE you would have to be Santa Paws & your your reindeer are very obedient! =) & I LOVE you post about your pool & the splashy water outta the pool time, use BOTH front paws...that should do the trick!
Love & Licks,
hey, you all do great in modeling!! but but, is that Faith or u r replacing her with a statue???
My dog Amber - you are such a good girl - I cannot believe you let your human put that beard on you!!! (And that Faith and Chloe didn't start pulling it off you either)!!
We absolutely LOVED your Christmas card photos we are so excited about the card exchange too!
PS Your M's decorations are great too!
Your Mummy really makes you suffer doesn't she. Its Christmas at your house already.
Simba xx
Wow your pics are the best Amber. Your mum sure did a great job.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
PS. please come to our blog we have a surprise for you
hahaha... Too cute!! Santa claws, you remind me of a giant schnauzer (err.. is it a correct spelling?)
Hi Amber, Chloe and Faith
Your Christmas photo is wonderful and you are all such good girls. Mum bought us antlers and stuff to put on our heads too but we try to throw them off, eat them, toss them in the air, we won't sit still, we all look different ways, and then we all take off !!! It's just as well our mum has a sense of hoomer. Mum is trying to work up the nerve to take a proper photo of us for our Christmas photo.
Love from Hammer
Whoa, you three have the cutest christmas costumes!! Amber mae, does look like Santa Claus :)
The second pic is really funny xD
Ooohh, you decorated your living room, looks awfully cozy :)
I don't think the hoomans are going to decorate the house, sobsob
You guys look SO cute in your X-mas outfits!!!
And yes, we do so wish you could have been with us at the park!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
I'm not going to decorate anything this year....
Though I think some people are still in the Thanksgiving mood and in 2 days it be Christmas.
Love the pictures you took!
Hey Amber,
It looks like you guys are having loads of fun. Santa is sure to be hanging out at your house.
I don't get cold in the snow at all. I was made to swim in icy water to retrieve ducks and my coat is very very thick. Much thicker than the average lab. That's from the Chesapeake side of me. It's also one of the reasons I hate to wear clothes. It's just too darn hot!
Ur are cute! Santa claus. Where is ur santarina?? U got 2 big rudolf to help u pull ur xmas ride!
Ur mummy is so creative. maybe JJ will get me a xmas
Take care Amber!
Lots of Love,
oh my dogness! your christmas card photo is so amazingly good! we are very impressed. it's abolutely perfect!
we hope you can make some more cookies for santa. we think he has a special key for houses that don't have chimneys. we don't have the right kind of chimney either.
your decorations are really nice.
Hi Amber-mae,
Wow, lovely photos! You guys are so sweet. The second photo is funny...hehe. I love your little christmas corner - nicely decorated and cozy!!
Your costume is very nice and your house is very well decorated too.
Boy n Baby
Oh Amber!!
You all look wonderful!! I really like the photo you picked for the Christmas card. All your pics are great!!
Don't worry about eating Santa's cookies and drinking his water. They would have been stale by the time he got them, so you did a good deed. Besides, I bet there are a lot more where they came from. Hehe!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
i love your beard amber! :) but be carful not to drool or else it will be a wet mop! :p
i must say your mommy really decorated your living room very nicely! :) we don't really celebrate christmas in my house but HM loves christmas decorations :)
Wow, you all look great!!! Amber, dont you feel itchy with the beard on ya face?? Im sure you will have a nice xmas card.
Haa you girls look pawsome in the pictures. Will you send me a pawtograph xmas pic too. :)
~ Girl girl
BOL! Amber those pics are GReat! You make a fantastic Santa...will you be delivering to my house?! I'll leave you some milk & cookies!
hi..i am not sure if i had stopped by your blog before..but i will for sure be are so cute...and all three of your are perfect models...good work...
It is lovely Father Christmas.
What kind of present might be distributed.
The decoration of the room is wonderful ahead of that.
from loved ume tyan
hey is only november... u're so fast n efficient...
bearded amber looks funny...hahahah....
Hey, I really like your costumes and other decorations! And I couldn't help but notice how clean your house is ... I have to confess that my mom is a pig - but I kinda like that about her :o) Anyway, I bet your cards will be fantastic!
Have fun, B&X
Hi Amber,
It's Thanksgiving here today so all I want to do is eat lots of TURKEY!!
Mommy is back at work and feeling much better and best of all she is smiling again.
Mommy said lets get finished with TURKEY day before we think about Christmas but you guys are so cute.
Love Mona & the Mommy
Hi Amber!
Oh dog, your pictures are so so cute. You all look awesome in your outfits! Mom LOVES your eyebrows - haha, you are always making such cute faces!
Anyway, your decorations look great! The tree looks just perfect too - size doesn't matter!
My mom and decorated a bit already too! We will get some pictures soon.
Love Clover xo
woofies Amber-Mae and All!!! dose picturs were fantastic..mama wants to no what iz ur moms secret, to get jus the wite gonna start decoratin tomorrow, me still gots to find a pictur...
b safe,
Great pictures, Amber! You three are so cute in the Christmas costumes! The decoration is wonderful! Your mom is very talented and you all are perfect in those photos!
Love and licks
Wow, Amber! Everything looks pawfect!!!!! Great pictures!!
Momo xoxo
Hi Amber - I love all your christmas shots. Mum has yet to help decorate the house yet... But I know it will happen soon. Maybe once December rolls round. I don't know what I'll be wearing, generally we can't find anything big enough for me.
Mum told me to say that she found the template for my blog by doing a search in google for "XML Blogger Template" they are hard to use though so she just 'borrowed' the background (which she has to find again to put a link to their site) and replaced that in the simple template on blogger. A little tweaking and it was done... Ok I lied about the little tweaking. It took her a good half a day to try and figure out how to do it. Hope that helps.
Woo woos
Great Christmas shots, Amber. You three look great!
- Charlie
Those are great Christmas pictures. I can't believe you all were so patient and let your people put all of those on. Of course, a bribe of cookies and milk probably helped.
Comet and BLU
Hey Amber, love the photos of you all dressed up. And your house looks pawsome. What nice decorations! We haven't done anything here yet! J x
You fooled me. You look just like the real Santa Claws. (In case you really are bring me some jerky and bloody bones. I've been pretty good) Those pictures of you with your reindeer look wonderful. Specially with your Christmassy house. I think my mom will just stick me in some snow for a picture.
The 3 of you look like some professional glamour models in that fotoshoot...
Dolly and Zoopy
These are some AWESOME photos!!
Hugs, Sitka
Wow you are all so good to sit so nicely and make a fantasic photo
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