Content may be too graphic for some dogs, cats, frogs, fish, mouse, flies, etc. Just a warning. HEE HEE

PeeS: I have some wonderful news to share with you all. I just found out today that me, Amber-Mae aka "GreatGrowkenn Agnes CGC", a Multi Best Malaysian Bred In Show Winner is in the TOP 5 of Best Malaysian Bred Dog Of The Year 2010!!! Yes, ME!!!!!!!!
w00fs, yummmmmmmmmmy too...
b safe,
It's was justifiable Eggacide...they were asking for it!! BOL!
HAHAHAHA! Hmm. When Mom kills eggs for us, she doesn't take the time to draw the clever faces on them. I must talk to her about that! Murder Most Yummy!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
How many of those did you eat??????
Thanks for the giggle!
ha - love your expression in that first pic:) We like our eggs scrambled.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Bwhahahaha...OMD, dat was hilarious!
I wants my mum to draw me some faces too!!!!!!! I lives such a deprived life.
OMD MOL Amber that is the funniest post we've seen in a long time.
Looks like you had a very tasty treat of eggs and cream...speaking of cream I might have to rethink my rejection of ice cream. Everyone tells me it is delicious.
Hugs madi
You did that with nary a blink of the eye! WOWZA! You sure can murder stuff pretty goods.
AHAHAHAHh I may have to do this with Darwin. Though I dont think Jason will be too pleased with egg guts all over the floor. heheh
Totally adorable!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
That last tongue shot is just inkhredible!
PeeEssWoo: BTW, we used to have an ad khampaign fur eggs with the tag line 'The incredible edible egg'
I must say that you are a very respectful egg murderer. Mom once gave BP and me whole raw eggs to figure out and I smashed mine all over the place. So tasty!
You have a very good technique!
I want to try it... would you please tell my mom to give me at least one little defenseless egg??
Kisses and hugs
What a cold-hearted killer you are!
Eggs are much more expressive in your part of town that in ours, that is for sure! LOL
You are one tough cookie!
Your pal, Pip
LOL! So that's how you do it!!
LOL! And what an awesome "tongue" shot at the end. :)
I didn't know eggs came in liquid form. The ones I have tried are hard boiled eggs.
Oh Amber,
This is just the laugh I needed.
Too cute.
Sarah's Mona & Weenie's Mommy
Those are the cutest little soft-boiled eggs I've ever seen. Someone has been playing with their food!
WOW!! That was a very traumatic post for a puppy, Amber! I'm gonna be scared now of eggs.
Mommy says to say it was hilarious, but I really didn't want to encourage you. ;)
And OH MY! That's some tongue pic ya got there!! WOOOOT!
Woofs & hugs,
Amber, you're funny and cold blooded all at the same time...Haha
Wyatt and Stanzie
Hey Amber
This is too cute for words. Poor eggie! :)
Sending lotsaluv
Bhahaha, that was hilarious, thanks fur the laugh!
In response to the question of a hamster's life span, most hamsters live about 2yrs, but there are some who live up to 3 yrs. Chubbs is actually very very strong, and he is actually estimated to be 2 yrs and 9 months old. If the age provided to us when we adopted him is correct, he'll be turning 3 in June 2011. (: A is actually preparing herself fur the worst, but it's just hard fur her to see him so weak.
Oh hilarious! Made my morning BOL! Y'all are twisted :D
Waggin at ya,
Those were cute and yummy eggs, right?
Congratulations to you too, you're a famous celebrity!!!
mmmm~ Looks yummieggcious! Congrats in being Top 5 Malaysian Bred :)
That egg looks yummy....we love eggs. Congratulations on your title!
hey Amber,
BOL! Although I felt a bit sad for those eggs, as their faces seemed to emit abject terror, I must woof that their brains look super yummy! I think I would be licking my chops just like you! My human is crying, though. She is vegetarian and seeing eggs murdered upset her. ;->
Congratulations on making Top 5! That is so incredibly pawsome! We are so proud of you! Keep up the great work, you beautiful pup!
Suka (and K)
Wow, congratulations on your eggs and on your top 5! That's quite an honor.
Nubbin wiggles,
Congrats on the top 5!
Hey Amber!
Wow, that's one eggciting post! BOL Very funny stuff. I'm cracking up! Get it?!? Love the little faces.
BTW: A big congrats on your top 5 win! You're #1 to us. :)
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Congrats on your title, Amber! You're so talented!
Thor and Jack
YAY! amber good job!! way to go!! and bout those eggs~~Least you are getting your protein BOL
Jazzi and Addy
Egg murder - gross! I prefer my eggs hard-boiled!
Congratulations on being in the top 5 Amber!! You are such a gorgeous dog so I am not surprised.
It just goes to prove that a dog makes us enjoy even such ordinary things as watching her eat an egg! I enjoyed this post.
Congrats on the show winner honor!! That is fabulous!!! Now the egg murdering is something we might be able to compete with you in. bol.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie
You are RAW eggs! cooks mine :) Every morning...
You are one funny girl!
And Congrats on being the best dog :)
eggs are yummy - oh, but you must be yummy too if you are in the top five best eggs, I mean best bred dogs
I am tired I need to go to sleep
Hi Amber-Mae! Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by my blog. Congrats on getting in the top 5! Those eggs look quite terrified of you, though I have to say their expressions are priceless and made me laugh. I just fed Oscar his first egg this evening and he loved it!
Oh, the poor, dumb eggs - not! (we sure wish we could kill some eggs)
Stopping by from The Teacher's Pets. We follow now. :)
Jon Farleigh and Dewi
YUMMY!! Eggs are our favorites :D
Licks and lots of slobber,
Lexi and Jasper the Danes
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