My Loyal Followers

November 12, 2008

Amber's Not Well

Hi Amber's friends! Melissa taking over today. I have such bad news. Today I woke up in the morning & found a big stinky pile of diarrhea in the living room. We thought it was Chloe who did it because the day before, she had diarrhea too. But then we checked our girls' backsides & found out it was Amber. When I cleaned up the mess, I noticed red color watery type substance around the stinky pile. It was blood!!!! And it was a LOT!!!! Then when we brought the girls out for a walk, Amber pooped again & there was more blood. Today we called up the vet & the vet said there's no need to bring her in. He just advised us to feed her plain rice & chicken meat. We starved her this morning & she just had her din dins two hours ago. She was so hungry that she performed many of her tricks by herself without me asking her to. Cute! Then I brought her out again with the other two but she did not poop. I guess she pooped everything out already this morning. Hopefully her poop will go back to normal tomorrow. We are so worried. Guess what? It's not only her who has a problem. Faith & Chloe have mites attacking their bodies & their itching like crazy! Faith is eating her own paws everyday & it's all raw now & there's hardly any hair left on them. They two will be on anti-biotics for the next 24 days. I gave the girls a bath today with special medicated shampoo so hopefully the mites will be killed. What happened to our poor girls? We are so worried.

Will keep you guys posted on their improvements.


The Musketeers said...

We saw the news and came her as fast as we could ! Oh dear is my CHloe fine ? BOL ! Is Amber feeling better now ! Hope you 3 get well soon !
Do inform us when they get better alright !

Lots of Loves & Smoochies ,
Cody , Lady , Zena & Joyce !

The Musketeers said...

Get well soon ok Amber !
Oh , that place is the pet shop where we bought Joyce !!

Lots of Smoochies ,

bunch o'mutts said...

Dear girls,

we hope you feel better soon. We also have that kind of problems very often and it usually go away after a day.
Bunch o'mutts

The Musketeers said...

anyway ! sorry to hear about what happen to Joy ! Hey ! Joy & Joyce sounds ALIKE ! :D

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

we saw the news...poor amber!!!
we're very worried for you!!!
how do you feel now??
have you pooped again???
Do inform us when they get better alright !
we love you!!!
lots of love and kisses!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber-Mae. I hope you feel better soon, and Faith and Chloe too.

Puppy Dog Tales said...

Oh those poor dears,

I have mites too, Mommy usually sprays some stuff in my ears and cleans them out. I hope you feel better soon, Amber Faith and chloe!

Head Butts and Worried Licks,
Abby, Queen of the Lamb Tail Pack!

Yogui said...

Hi Amber
Get well soon... we love you

Sabrina de Cutie-Pie :) said...

hey r u alright?i pooped 5 times a day n very watery n bloody...mummy brought me to the vet n do blood test..may be liver problem...around these few days do u eat dirty stuff?better go see da vet...Hope u will recover soon!

smelly licks licks,

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Dear Amber, Faith and Chloe!
I hope you gets well very soon!

Love and licks

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Oh gosh, hope they feel better soon!

Pipa said...

Hello Ambie!
Gosh, I hpe you are already feeling better!
I've had the same symptoms about 2 months ago and my humans were terrified 'cause they thought it could be parvo... fortnately, it seems that I just ate something that troubled my intestins a lot (maybe one of the 4353653673 things I try to eat in my walks). The vet told us that bloody stools are quite normal when our intestins/stomachs are irritaded!
Don't forget to drinh the rice water, it is reeaaaally good for diarrhea!
My human always gives me a humans anti-diarrheal (maybe for childreen) and it works really good! And don't forget to eat loooot's of water!
We're all worried with u, Ambie! Keep us informed, ok?

Wooofies from Pipa, distant Portugal

Pipa said...

(I'ms so sorry for all the english mistakes.. Oh, God, we don't EAT water, we drink it... Jeeee)


Toffee said...

Oh no! Your poor babies! It is not uncommon for some dogs to get a bout of colitis sometimes with blood too. Some dogs get something called hemorragic gastroenteritis (bloody diarrhea with vomiting). Sounds like the "bland diet" is doing the trick; I am sure she'll produce some poop within the next day = )

Sending chiheagle hugs!

Abby said...

Oh No...The poor girls...

Me & my Mom are sending thoughts & prayers & I'm sending Extra Good Lhasa Vibes to all of the girls...

Please keep us posted...

Abby xxxooo

Dexter said...

This is very scary. I hope that you can find out what is making everybody sick and itchie. Poor Amber-Mae! Big Mango zen coming your way.


Hero said...

Oh no! I hope it's nothing serious. The three of you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Get well soon!

Jamie said...

Boy, when it rains it pours. I am sorry to hears about the stomach/ bowel issues and the itchies! I hope you all get better soon! Thanks for coming over to our blog and leaving us well wishes. Payton feels all the love.


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Oh, when it rains, it pours.
Poor Amber, Faith and Chloe!
It was not your days!
Just read that Amber you were so hungry that you performed many of your tricks by yourself without being asked, I felt so sorry for you, dear.
Get well soon, lovely girls.

Unknown said...

Sometimes after I've feasted on cat poo (it's a delicious delicasy that leaves you with the most amazing breath!) I have the same problem, Amber. The 2-leggeds will starve you for a day then it's back to normal. Poor Chloe - sounds like she's having an awful time. Maybe she needs some of Eric's footwear?

Your pal,


BrandytheGreat said...

Oh boy oh boy. We feel so sorry for them! We had a mild case of ticks too, and ughh, they itch like hell! Poor Amber, she was starved! Lets hope they all get well soon!

River said...

My mom has seen the same problem in a dog who has eaten kitty litter. It was an irritated bowel. That dog lived to be 19 years old. We hope it is something simple and easy to cure. Sending beagle love and hugs to you.

love & wags,

Chow Chow said...

I hope Amber gets better soon. Chow Chow has the runs too and we haven't figure out what's the problem.

Take good care!

Clover said...

Hi Amber,
I hope you and your sisters are feeling a little better now. I am sorry about the bad time you are having. I am sending you some puggy hugs and kisses!
Get well soon!
Love Clover xo

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Amber.
I hope you & your sisters are feeling better. You must have really scared your mom.
I'm on antibotics for 10 days for a throat infection.
Take care.
Love Ruby

Harry said...

I hope everyone is doing better now, thinking of you all.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Daisy said...

I hope all the girls are feeling better soon!

Kelly said...

Amber Mae! I came over to thank you for stopping by my blog and welcoming me, but then I saw that you were sick!! I am so sad for you!

I had an intestinal infection a few years ago and had some bloody poop. My momma just about fainted! It cleared up pretty quickly- I hope yours does too!

Your newest pal,

Maggie said...

get well soon ok for all of you...
it's so bad when we are sick..
mommy is worrieed too much too...
i pray to God that He will heal you now!!!

Casper and pals said...

Oh dear, we hope you alll are feeling better soon!

Faya said...

Oh no poor Girls ! I hope they will be fine again soon. I don't like when my friends are ill.....
Kisses, Faya

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

Is it a possability that they got the mites from "Scruffy"???

boiled chicken and rice are always good for doggies with upset tummies, but canned pumpkin works wonders!

I hope you all feel better,

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,

Coco - The Princess

Hana said...

I hope everydog starts to feel better soon!

No problem with the ribbon necklaces. It IS pricey to send to overseas. Maybe you can find some similar party necklaces at your local store?

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Get better SOON!!!!

Biggie-Z said...

Eeks! Feel better soon!

We had a problem at our dog run yesterday too - diarrhea city! Luckily I don't have it but my best friend Pete and my girlfriend Lexi do, so Momma won't let me see them for a few days.

Hopefully it's just something little and passes quickly (and firmly, har har). You might try some canned pumpkin if they sell that where you live, otherwise you can try some boiled orange squash or pumpkin, cooled and mashed up, like a big scoopful of it. That usually helps to firm things up and I love the way it tastes.

Feel better soon, y'all!


Terra said...

Oh no!! I they are all okay...

~ Jedi ~

Eduardo said...

OMD! I'll be snuggling for some good news soon!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Kim said...

Maggie and Bosley are sending you lots of "get well" wags. We all hope you are feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!! Just saw the new post - really hope Amber, Faith and Chloe get better soon.
Very worried - did the vet check if Amber has something stuck in her intestines? I get diarrhoea sometimes but blood seems a bit scary!

Please let us know how they are doing soon!

Love and lots of slobbery hugs,
Honey the Great Dane

Stanislaw said...

Oh dear! We hope you are all feeling better soon! My human says that bright red blood in the stool is a sign of lower GI irritation and usually isn't as serious as it looks. Even though it looks really scary! Big Pupi suffered from this chronically before our humans figured out his corn allergy.

Mom says that a spoonful of plain canned pumpkin (NOT the pie mix) will work miracles with your over-boiled rice and boiled meat dinners. The fiber in it will firm the stools - but too much of it will make the poobles worse. Try 2 tablespoons to start. And be prepared for some major constipation after such an upset. Poor lady!

We're sure you know all this already! Could Amber have chewed and swallowed the mites and had a reaction to them?

Duke said...

We're sending AireZen to all of you! We hope you girls all feel better soon, especially you, Amber!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

w00f's Girls, me iz sooo sorry u iz all sick..and hopes u feel better now..poop wiff blood in it skeers me too..hope the bath helped the other gots me paws cross fur all 3 of u..

b safe,

Clay's Mommy said...

Oh Amber! Please get better soon! We hope yhour sisters get rid of their mites and grow their fur back! Jack's feet are healing quickly from his adventure into the Lost Dog World. Hope the same happens for you!

the many Bs said...

we are sending you lots of poodle power and the healing vibes of the Bs. we hope that everydog will be okay soon.


Bee Bee said...

Oh dear! Sorry to hear that all is not feeling well, argh incorrigible mites! shoo shoo go away!

Take care and get well soon :)

Bee Bee

Raising Addie said...

Oh no! We hope you guys all start feeling better soon!

We will keep our paws crossed for a quick recovery.


Niamh said...

I am so sorry to hear about Amber-Mae's tummy troubles and the mites attacking Chloe and Faith. I hope the rice and chicken do the trick and the antibiotics help too. Let us know how the girls are feeling.

Your friend,

i said...

Oh poor Amber...hope you'll get well soon. Keeping paws crossed for 3 of you. Hope the medicated shampoo helps for Chloe and Faith. I have that problem on occasions. LS usually spray me with a non-toxic botanical neem product (forgot the name) and it helps.

Anonymous said...

I had diarrhea for the past 2 days too, I don't know why and mummy is wondering too... Hope we can be well soon :)

Lorenza said...

Amber, Chloe and Faith!
I have my paws crossed for you all!
I hope you get better soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Boo Casanova said...

ooooh, i'm so sorry to hear all of them are unwell. please give plenty of kisses and wet licks to them for me yer.

sending best wishes.

wet wet licks


The PR Gang said...

Sorry to hear everyone is under the weather. Hope all the kids are feeling lots better real soon.

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Oh dear Amber, we hope you get well soon! And also Chloe and Faith! Drink plenty of water and have some good rest k?

Cocoa and Barley

Simba and Jazzi said...

Sorry to hear Amber is unwell. Hope she is better soon.

Simba x

Anonymous said...

My vet said some of us have more sensitive stomachs... just hang in there for a little while and everything will be back to normal soon.

Kisss and fluffs,


sharkgila said...

Oh dear oh dear oh dear.
I hope you're feeling better now Amber. And same goes for Chloe and Faith.


Fred said...

Get well soon, ladies! Bichon prayers coming your way! Take care.

Hey, this is Bugsy said...

Hope you the two of you feel better! Its nice to meet a new friend.

Anonymous said...

Oh Amber! I saw what you said and came right over to check on you. I hope you will be better soon. and I'm sorry you all have those meen mights! Poor babies, I'll crall my paws that they will go away soon.


Deetz said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers and deetz said he would Paw Pray for you all. I am so sorry, Amber, that you are sicky.
Get better real soon, okay
Deetzy and Family

The Musketeers said...

Are you three feeling much better ?

Lots of Loves & Smoochies ,

Mack said...

Poor ladies. I hope that by the time you are reading this Amber, Faith & Chloe have improved 100%.

Snowball said...

Hi Amber, Chloe and Faith, How have you gals been? I hope you have recovered by now.


Brownie Roo the Brown Monster said...

Hope you all feel better soon. Us doggies must stay healthy to take care of our humans :)

Aki and Poopie said...

we are sorry to hear that the girls are not feeling well. maybe they should stick to a certain type of diet for now.

manufactured treats and other toys may have contents/ materials that are bad for their health. Also, are they under heart worm prevention? Getting bloody stool is very serious. we hope that the Vet gave her medicine or something.

May we suggest a test on her platelets, CBC, etc? It is better to do so to get rid of all other speculations. We are worried for Amber and Co. We hope they will be treated soon. :(

You will all be in our prayers.

drooly kisses,


Pipa said...

Hi, Ambie...

How are u doing?

We'rw worried, please bark something...



Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

oh dear. Me and Mum is wishing Amber and her friends lots and lots of get well soon's.

Cri said...

helloooooooo!thanks for the comment that you wrote to made us happy!
I visited your blog!it's very strong ... .. there are many beautiful photos!I saw beautiful Golden retrievers and other wonderful dogs ...your first of all!
many kisses
Cri & a Tommy
p.s. i'm sorry for my imperfect english!

Noah the Airedale said...

How is Amber feeling now? We hope she is on the mend and there is no more blood in her poops. What a worry!!!

Noah x

Unknown said...

amber darling
you must be better soon. please please
we send you all our love...

Mack said...

Are you ladies feeling any better today??

The Musketeers said...

Feeling better now Ladies ?

Joyce is here !!! :D

Lots of Loves ,
Four Musketeers

☮momoKo said...

I wish You and Chole be well soooon!

Amber said...

Amber mae!! hope you diarrhea is all clear now :( i had bloody diarrhea few weeks back, few red strips.. mommy monitored me and it stop. Hope your too. Hope the mites clear soon! i have a question, mommy found small black kutu on me, are they ticks? cause they are really small.. mommy squeezes them and it burst..

have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wow Amber, I hope you get better real real soon! That sounds horrible. Same for Faith&Chloe. Sending all my good thoughts your way!

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh dear oh dear oh dear,This is what happens when we are behind in our reading..We find out that you guys are sick....we hope that Amber is better and that the girl's itching has subsided..Archie says it is too bad you didn't live closer so you could all itch together..We send you wirey healing hugs and kisses..Love A+A

Joe Stains said...

Oh no! we are sending healing vibes!

Sami & Baylee said...

Amber-Mae, I hope you and your sis's feel better really soon. I had blood in my poop a bout a month ago but I wouldn't eat and the vet did test and didn't find anything and put me on antibotic and de-wormer just to be on the safe side, I did get better and then they put me on 1/8 tyson powder a day. But let me tell you that stuff is nasty. The vet also told mommy to boil me chicken in water and rice that is all I could have and it made me better. I sure hope you get better soon and send xoxoxoxo your way. Love, Sami

parlance said...

Best wishes for everyone to make a good recovery!

parlance said...

Best wishes for everyone to make a good recovery!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I heard you were ill from Deetz's mum. Please get well!

The Musketeers said...

Sweeties ! Are you guys feeling better ? Chloe darling , feeling better ? We only lock her up in the cage for a while , most of the time she is out with us ! No worries (:

Lots of Loves ,

Mason Dixie said...

I am sorry you were not feeling well, my mommy feeds me rice with boiled ground beef when I am ill, kinda makes me want to be ill all the time, it is my favorite meal.

Johann The Dog said...

Oh, that sounds no fun at all! Hope you get better soon!!!!

Woofs, Johann

Kirby said...

Hi Amber,

I hope you are feeling better. When I have the 'loose poops', Mom gives me ground beef and rice. It's super yummy and helps 'firm' everything up.

Your pal,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OH MY! All three of you are sick? Itchin' and poopin'? You poor Girls!!!

We're sendin' ya healin' terrier zen for itchin' and tummy soothin'....

Hope by now you're all feelin' tons better!!!

Lotsa love,
Scruffy, Lacie and Stan

A&S said...

oh no! you poor girls! we hope you will be feeling better soon!

duo_disaster said...

Ooh! We will keep you all in our thoughts, please be well soon!

Rice helps in tum tum, if it doesn't get better you might wanna try carbon (charcoal) pills too. They should help you alleviate the nasty purge...

As for mites, we're not too sure as we have never had them before ever, will those solution like Revo helps in your situation now?

Rudolf & Goofy

L said...

We are so sorry to hear that Amber is ill. Hopefully her tummy will settle and she will be back to her normal bubbly self. We also hope Faith and Chloe get rid of the mites. That doesn't sound like fun at all. We will send positive thoughts towards you girls!

Ronin_The_Pug said...

AMBEEEEEER!!!!! My cute sweet little friend!!!!! I hope you are feeling better, cutie!!! I'm so worried! :((( I missed you so much (I wasn't on the bloggy for a long time) and now I find out that you are not feeling well... :((( I am so sad...
We send you all big kisses and hugs!


Par said...

Sad to hear about this.
I wish them well!

Hammer said...

Hi Melissa
I haven't read the other comments. You've probably already been advised that blood in runny poop is a sign of a digestive upset. I hope Amber is feeling a lot better now. I hope Faith and Chloe's skin problems have settled down too. Is it hot and humid at the moment ?
Please take good care of yourselves coz Hammer won't be blogging again until 2009.
Love from Susan and Hammer and our family

Bae Bae said...

I hope you girls are ok and better now

~ Bae

Hugo said...

That is horrible. I hope you Dawgs will have a speedy recovery. I for one know how irritating it is to have a bad itch. Do get well soon!


Princess Patches said...

We sure hope all of you are feeling better by now! Itchies and bloody poopies can be very scary!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Pipa said...

Hi, Ambie!
How are you?

I'm worried!



Myeo said...

Sorry we got this news late. Are they better now? We hope they are better ow. Do keep us posted.

Meanwhile, we are sending lots of healing vibes over.

Boy n Baby

Kodak the Eskie said...

I'm so sorry to that Amber is not well. I hope she is doing better. We are very worried about her. Hope you get rid of those nasty mites too!

Hugs, Kodak

Rambo said...

thanks for stopping by my blog! It was nice of you to think about me. The scary fire has moved away from my house for now.
Hope you are feeling better and the poops are gone.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Poor little girls.. We hope all is better tomorrow...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Sophie Brador said...

I sure hope the pups are feeling better and that it was not something serious.


Dewey Dewster said...

So sorry ta hear that Amber isn't feelin' well....that chicken and rice sure does help straighten things out......'n mites too.....we just had a real battle with fleas and Gram had ta get us Frontline which she hates ta use.....we heard garlic everyday helps but it wasn't doin' anythin' fer us.....oh what a battle us doggies have ta fight fer comfort....get well soon....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Homer said...

Hi Girls,

I hope you are feeling better now? My Missus was surprised that the vet did not give any injection to prevent bloody stools. Anyway, how's your condition? Are you girls getting better? Geez, I wish I was there to take care all of you.


Dino and Family said...

Oh dear Amber! I heard from Homer and rushed right over! I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Your whole family must be so worried. Please get well soon and keep us all updated. Big hugs to you, Faith, Chloe and Melissa!
Love, Dino

Niqqi said...

Please feel better. Amber. Follow the doctors advice and you'll be better in no time. And poor Faith and Chloe, you've just got to get rid of those nasty mites. And Melissa, thanks for taking care of our friends.

Fresh from the groomer fluffy,

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Woof woof gals,

Hope you are feeling better! We miss you guys!

Cocoa and Barley

The Musketeers said...

Wow , sounds like Joy really is a handful ! So any luck for potential owners yet ? I keep my paw cross for her to find her a forever home (:

Oh , don't fall fur her trap Amber ! Joyce is a little brat ! BOL !

Lots of Loves ,

☮momoKo said...

I imagine that you bear slaver to see the hood of at hand. And I hope that there is it in reality.

Fenway said...

Oh Dear, Amber! I am so worried about you. I hope you are mightier than those nasty mites!

Your pal,

Fenway said...

Oh Dear, Amber! I am so worried about you. I hope you are mightier than those nasty mites!

Your pal,

Georgeous said...

Oh dear, how are you all now. Hope your all feeling bettter!

A&S said...

dear amber, are you feeling any better?

Unknown said...

Those poor poor babies! I hope they are feeling better by now.